I know this might seem contradictory to the previous article but so what? It is truth. There are certain areas that I want to be unbalanced. And some areas where I don't have a choice. hehehe
The area that I want to be most unbalanced in is my pursuit of Jesus. This is an all out lopsided crazy pursuit at the expense of joyfully giving everything. I think a major theme can be missed in Jesus' teachings; you might not make the cut. Pastors might not make the cut (1 Timothy 4:16), apostles might not make the cut (1 Corinthians 9:27), disciples might not make the cut (Acts 5), and prophets might not make the cut (Jeremiah 23).
Jesus shares so much about the narrow road and narrow gate that only a few find. Broad is the road and wide is the gate that leads to destruction. Narrow is the way that leads to life (Matthew 7). "Are only a few going to be saved," one person asked Jesus? His response: "Make every effort to enter through the narrow gate because many will stand at the door and knock and I will say to them plainly, "away from me I never knew you (Matthew 13)."" Wives, jobs, property, and many other things will all be a distraction from God (Luke 14). Jesus speaks plainly about this and I apologize that pastors do not speak more boldly on this subject. It should make us all cringe at the thought of people saying, "but Jesus you taught in our streets, we prophesied in your name, and even drove out demons" but He will tell them plainly, "away from me you evil doers" (Matthew 7:21-23 and Luke 13:26-27).
Not every one who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom. -Jesus
Ok, tell me if in light of those texts you want to hold anything back in following him? No way! That makes me want to go crazy and if someone tells me that I am too radical in my pursuit then I will show them why, "I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize (1 Corinthians 9:27)." I might be unbalanced. But, I think I am justified in doing this. The man who found the treasure in the field joyfully sold everything so he could purchase the field. The merchant who found a pearl of such great value sold everything he had so he could have that pearl (Matthew 13). That is how it is with God. When you realize what you get, you joyfully give up everything for him. You become unbalanced, you throw caution to the wind, you recklessly pursue Him, and you do it in a way that others might think you are crazy... But here is the truth: You would be crazy not to.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
You've Got Balance Brah!
So about a year ago I was hanging out in a pub with some friends. (You can read as hanging with sinners and tax collectors but be careful that you don't become like the ones that first coined that phrase) I ran into a kid from highschool that became an Alaskan fisherman, like the guys on "Deadliest Catch" and then took the money from his few months of nonstop work and traveled all over the globe trying to surf and soak up the vibes of different cultures.
Apparently, he had seen my myspace with pictures of me wakeboarding, skateboarding, surfing, and hanging with orphans on missions trips so he said to me, "you've got balance brah!" I don't even know if I can help you hear him say those words like he did. He was a little impaired and he put a ton of emphasis on the word "balance." I honestly didn't know how to respond, so I told him it was years and years of practice. Then he kinda grabbed my arm and said, "no man... you've got balance brah" putting more of an emphasis on the word balance. I guess he was talking about the mission work that I've done and that I make it very apparent that I am a sold out Christ follower so he was saying balance inferring that it was "gnarly that I answer to a higher power."
I am trying to figure out this whole balance thing. Lately I've been wrestling with what it means to have balance. How can you hold two seemingly different views in the balance? Think about this... the apostle Paul said "...besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn? (2 Corinthians 11:28-29)" Sounds like a pretty intense burden? I know the feeling too... obviously not to the extent that Paul did, but I can feel the pain of looking at churches and have a concern for their spiritual well being. I know how he feels about feeling weak and I know how he feels when he speaks of sin and the inward burn. But in another place Paul writes these words, "Rejoice in the Lord! I say it again Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)" Be glad I command you. How does Paul hold in the balance these two seemingly opposing views?! How is it possible to be joyful when you are concerned about the health of churches or the fight of sin in your life or even the seeming victories Satan has in your friends or families lives? How can you be joyful then?
In my opinion it is only a work of God to have Joy when things are hard. We need to cry out that God would pour the oil of joy on our lives. We need to look at the majesty of the One on the throne and recognize, "He is enough."
Let me swing the other way for a moment... are you unconcerned? I think it is possible to be naive of what the Spirit is doing. And I think it is at your own detriment. Proverbs 1:32 says, "the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them." I think it is possible to be ignorant of the fact that the world is perishing around us and we simply attend church and feel pretty good about life. In fact Ezekiel describes the sin of Sodom as this (by the way we don't want to be like Sodom . God poured his wrath out on and consumed her with fire), "she was arrogant, overfed and unconcerned." Sodom was arrogant, overfed and unconcerned. Sounds deadly close to a description of my life.
So, I guess the crux of the matter is this... are you heavy on one side or the other? Do you have balance today? Or are you operating on one end of the spectrum? Because both ends are unhealthy and we need to find a way to be somewhere in the middle. Somehow concerned about the world around us, and the state of the churches, and the wages of sin, and weakness of our faith.... but also rejoicing and joyful in the fact that "the enemy has been defeated, and death couldn't hold Him down. So lift your voice in victory and make Your praises loud (Hillsong United lyrics paraphrased)."
Let's have some balance brahs!
Apparently, he had seen my myspace with pictures of me wakeboarding, skateboarding, surfing, and hanging with orphans on missions trips so he said to me, "you've got balance brah!" I don't even know if I can help you hear him say those words like he did. He was a little impaired and he put a ton of emphasis on the word "balance." I honestly didn't know how to respond, so I told him it was years and years of practice. Then he kinda grabbed my arm and said, "no man... you've got balance brah" putting more of an emphasis on the word balance. I guess he was talking about the mission work that I've done and that I make it very apparent that I am a sold out Christ follower so he was saying balance inferring that it was "gnarly that I answer to a higher power."
I am trying to figure out this whole balance thing. Lately I've been wrestling with what it means to have balance. How can you hold two seemingly different views in the balance? Think about this... the apostle Paul said "...besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn? (2 Corinthians 11:28-29)" Sounds like a pretty intense burden? I know the feeling too... obviously not to the extent that Paul did, but I can feel the pain of looking at churches and have a concern for their spiritual well being. I know how he feels about feeling weak and I know how he feels when he speaks of sin and the inward burn. But in another place Paul writes these words, "Rejoice in the Lord! I say it again Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)" Be glad I command you. How does Paul hold in the balance these two seemingly opposing views?! How is it possible to be joyful when you are concerned about the health of churches or the fight of sin in your life or even the seeming victories Satan has in your friends or families lives? How can you be joyful then?
In my opinion it is only a work of God to have Joy when things are hard. We need to cry out that God would pour the oil of joy on our lives. We need to look at the majesty of the One on the throne and recognize, "He is enough."
Let me swing the other way for a moment... are you unconcerned? I think it is possible to be naive of what the Spirit is doing. And I think it is at your own detriment. Proverbs 1:32 says, "the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them." I think it is possible to be ignorant of the fact that the world is perishing around us and we simply attend church and feel pretty good about life. In fact Ezekiel describes the sin of Sodom as this (by the way we don't want to be like Sodom . God poured his wrath out on and consumed her with fire), "she was arrogant, overfed and unconcerned." Sodom was arrogant, overfed and unconcerned. Sounds deadly close to a description of my life.
So, I guess the crux of the matter is this... are you heavy on one side or the other? Do you have balance today? Or are you operating on one end of the spectrum? Because both ends are unhealthy and we need to find a way to be somewhere in the middle. Somehow concerned about the world around us, and the state of the churches, and the wages of sin, and weakness of our faith.... but also rejoicing and joyful in the fact that "the enemy has been defeated, and death couldn't hold Him down. So lift your voice in victory and make Your praises loud (Hillsong United lyrics paraphrased)."
Let's have some balance brahs!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Luke 8- Good Soil
The Parable of the Sower
While a large crowd was gathering.... Jesus told this parable. I love that Jesus when he sees a large crowd does what most church goers would never do... He tells them a hard message. He tells this large group of people that the mystery of the kingdom of heaven is like a farmer that scatters seeds and three fourths of the seed fail and only a small amount actually finds its way to good soil, "those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, an by persevering produce a crop." (vs 15) But look at how he finishes his parable... "he who has ears to hear, let him hear (vs 8)." This is how he finishes a lot of hard teachings. Some people will hear it and believe it. Some will simply hear it. If you have ears hear the message of the Son of God. He doesn't argue. He doesn't even try to convince, He simply says how it is. The word of God will be sown like seeds and many will not produce a fruit, only some, hear my message.
What I challenge you to do today is to reflect and meditate on this passage. No body is above this. The mysteries of the kingdom of God are available to you. They have been sown. Which soil do you think you are?
Are you like the path? With a hard and calloused heart that is impenetrable? Satan makes quick work of your kind. He is like the birds of the air that can eat the seed quickly on the path.
Or, are you like a rock that readily receives the word and with joy, but then after a time of testing, which will come, you fall away? Is your faith firm? Do you trust God even if things don't go your way? Are your roots deep? Does your faith run deep?
Are you like a thorn patch that the word fell into? Did you receive the word but are you still concerned with the world? Popularity? Money? Clothes? Cars? Comforts? Friends? If you are like a thorn patch your faith will not survive. You can't serve God and money.
Examine yourself. Don't play around with Christianity. Many have never truly examined themselves to see if they are in the faith and have managed to fool even themselves(Acts 5). Don't be foolish. Retain the word, and by persevering produce a crop!
While a large crowd was gathering.... Jesus told this parable. I love that Jesus when he sees a large crowd does what most church goers would never do... He tells them a hard message. He tells this large group of people that the mystery of the kingdom of heaven is like a farmer that scatters seeds and three fourths of the seed fail and only a small amount actually finds its way to good soil, "those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, an by persevering produce a crop." (vs 15) But look at how he finishes his parable... "he who has ears to hear, let him hear (vs 8)." This is how he finishes a lot of hard teachings. Some people will hear it and believe it. Some will simply hear it. If you have ears hear the message of the Son of God. He doesn't argue. He doesn't even try to convince, He simply says how it is. The word of God will be sown like seeds and many will not produce a fruit, only some, hear my message.
What I challenge you to do today is to reflect and meditate on this passage. No body is above this. The mysteries of the kingdom of God are available to you. They have been sown. Which soil do you think you are?
Are you like the path? With a hard and calloused heart that is impenetrable? Satan makes quick work of your kind. He is like the birds of the air that can eat the seed quickly on the path.
Or, are you like a rock that readily receives the word and with joy, but then after a time of testing, which will come, you fall away? Is your faith firm? Do you trust God even if things don't go your way? Are your roots deep? Does your faith run deep?
Are you like a thorn patch that the word fell into? Did you receive the word but are you still concerned with the world? Popularity? Money? Clothes? Cars? Comforts? Friends? If you are like a thorn patch your faith will not survive. You can't serve God and money.
Examine yourself. Don't play around with Christianity. Many have never truly examined themselves to see if they are in the faith and have managed to fool even themselves(Acts 5). Don't be foolish. Retain the word, and by persevering produce a crop!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Rejoice! I Say it Again Rejoice!
What a beautiful Sunday afternoon! As I look out my apartment window I am reminded that God is meant to be enjoyed. The apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" God is a treasure. He is so good. Look at His creation. Marvel at his handiwork. God is good.
Today I am focusing on just enjoying him. I am meditating on his grace for me and the saving work that he performed on my behalf. He went to the cross for me just so he could be near me. I am forever in his service! I am so enamored with my King! I am so in love! He is so magnificent and so beautiful. Enjoy God today. That is what he desires most from you. He wants you to look at him and think, "NO WAY!?! I can't believe God is in love with me?!?" Worship him today.
Today I am focusing on just enjoying him. I am meditating on his grace for me and the saving work that he performed on my behalf. He went to the cross for me just so he could be near me. I am forever in his service! I am so enamored with my King! I am so in love! He is so magnificent and so beautiful. Enjoy God today. That is what he desires most from you. He wants you to look at him and think, "NO WAY!?! I can't believe God is in love with me?!?" Worship him today.
Bless Your Youth Pastor
This is an article by Pastor John Piper, from Desiring God Ministries, that expresses my sentiments exactly. If you want to know the key to making me extremely happy check out this answer to the question... "How can I bless my pastor?"
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Luke 7- Wisdom is Proved Right by her Children
Last night I was telling several students how I am so blessed and have gotten to do so many cool things with my life. Jordan's response was a sarcastic, "yeah, and now your stuck here." To which I said, "it is good to be here and now I get to live through you guys. You are my glory(somewhat jokingly)." Danny said, "I am going to have a t-shirt made that says 'Cory's Glory.'" ... That would be funny but please don't do that. I will be struck down in my arrogance. Here is the concept behind this though... what you guys do with your lives shows how well I did my job as a pastor. If after high school all of the students go to college and forget their convictions and beliefs and fall away, then I suck. I did a bad job at shepherding you to respond to the voice of the King. But, on the other hand, I can live through each of you with how well you follow Christ for the rest of your lives. You are my glory. Even writing that makes me smile. It is such a funny way of thinking. But, you are my spiritual sons and daughters and my goal is to raise you in righteousness. I need to use every thing I possibly can to help you to become a mature believer and the way I do it might be different than other youth pastors. In fact some might say, "He has a demon (vs. 33)" and others might even say, "Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and 'sinners' (vs. 34)."
This is a concept that I have been wrestling with lately. I feel like the trend with youth ministry is to provide a fun program to get people into the church (as if a building can save?!?). I believe this is the strategy that a pharisee from verse 30 would buy into. However, my strategy is to simply get students to Christ, to disciple them, to help them walk with Him, and to even put them in situations that will stretch their faith and prove their commitment. And, it might be frowned upon. Here is my argument though... "wisdom is proved right by all her children." This may not seem like the most logical strategy in the eyes of men, but I am OK with that because I am focused on ..."the things of God (Matthew 16: 23)." My wisdom will be shown by a small amount of students that actually live their lives for God. Some will be missionaries, some will be pastors, some will be worship leaders, and a bunch of them will actually change whole companies because of their faith. They will be passionate Christ followers and they are my glory! And to make my argument a little more pointed I firmly believe the current American youth ministry system is broke. If 80 percent of students after finishing youth ministry fall away from their "faith" (quotations added to emphasize that it is an illusion of faith), then what is the point of groveling to provide fun activities for the 80 out of 100 students that will stand at the gates and hear the words, "I never knew you?"
Here is my proposal... let's focus on discipleship and make sure that we are making passionate followers of Christ. When someone totally gets that Christ is the greatest treasure ever, they can't help but to share that with others! I have done evangelism ministry for the past 5 years and I totally see the value in it... God desires that none should perish and we need to be telling others all about Him and His benefits. But, as a ministry we are committed to making disciples and not just having a fun program. I am not the first to feel this way; check out what Oswald Chambers, a minister of Christ from the early 1900's, has to say on April 24th.
and if you want to read more his book is available for online viewing
This is a concept that I have been wrestling with lately. I feel like the trend with youth ministry is to provide a fun program to get people into the church (as if a building can save?!?). I believe this is the strategy that a pharisee from verse 30 would buy into. However, my strategy is to simply get students to Christ, to disciple them, to help them walk with Him, and to even put them in situations that will stretch their faith and prove their commitment. And, it might be frowned upon. Here is my argument though... "wisdom is proved right by all her children." This may not seem like the most logical strategy in the eyes of men, but I am OK with that because I am focused on ..."the things of God (Matthew 16: 23)." My wisdom will be shown by a small amount of students that actually live their lives for God. Some will be missionaries, some will be pastors, some will be worship leaders, and a bunch of them will actually change whole companies because of their faith. They will be passionate Christ followers and they are my glory! And to make my argument a little more pointed I firmly believe the current American youth ministry system is broke. If 80 percent of students after finishing youth ministry fall away from their "faith" (quotations added to emphasize that it is an illusion of faith), then what is the point of groveling to provide fun activities for the 80 out of 100 students that will stand at the gates and hear the words, "I never knew you?"
Here is my proposal... let's focus on discipleship and make sure that we are making passionate followers of Christ. When someone totally gets that Christ is the greatest treasure ever, they can't help but to share that with others! I have done evangelism ministry for the past 5 years and I totally see the value in it... God desires that none should perish and we need to be telling others all about Him and His benefits. But, as a ministry we are committed to making disciples and not just having a fun program. I am not the first to feel this way; check out what Oswald Chambers, a minister of Christ from the early 1900's, has to say on April 24th.
and if you want to read more his book is available for online viewing
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Luke 6 -Blessings and Woes
"Blessed are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom of God." (vs. 20)
We are exceedingly rich. The majority of people on the planet live for a couple of bucks a day. You didn't read that last sentence wrong. Literally most people have nothing. You are so rich. But Jesus says, "blessed are the poor because theirs is the kingdom of God." We have to figure out how to be poor in spirit. We have to figure out how to be desperate for God. People that are actually poor live everyday asking God for provisions and praising Him when they survive another day. But, we can manage a whole week without even hardly thinking about God?! That is dangerous. In fact Jesus says in verse 24, "but woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort." As a rich American I need to force myself to be desperate for God. I need to read passages like this that warn me from setting in and being comfortable. That warn me from dashing my ship on the rocks of richness.
We are exceedingly rich. The majority of people on the planet live for a couple of bucks a day. You didn't read that last sentence wrong. Literally most people have nothing. You are so rich. But Jesus says, "blessed are the poor because theirs is the kingdom of God." We have to figure out how to be poor in spirit. We have to figure out how to be desperate for God. People that are actually poor live everyday asking God for provisions and praising Him when they survive another day. But, we can manage a whole week without even hardly thinking about God?! That is dangerous. In fact Jesus says in verse 24, "but woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort." As a rich American I need to force myself to be desperate for God. I need to read passages like this that warn me from setting in and being comfortable. That warn me from dashing my ship on the rocks of richness.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Luke 5- I am Willing
It is interesting how Jesus does things. He enters into a broken world to redeem it. He humbles himself to make himself available. He gets down and dirty. He touches the leper.
"Lord, if you are willing you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" And immediately the leprosy left him. (vs. 12-13)
Jesus has all authority. He was there at creation (John 1). He can just speak and make things. He could have simply spoke to the leper and healed him. But, take it a step further he could have redeemed us from heaven. He didn't even have to leave heaven. He has that sort of power. He chose to come down to rescue us. He chose to enter into our world and minister to us where we are at. He chose to touch the leper to heal him. He exited heaven to come down here and minister to you and he displays his meekness by touching a leprous man.
What is your strategy for being like Jesus. Do you throw money at good ministry ideas? Or do you literally enter into peoples problems to touch them?
That is the model that Jesus gives us. When you see a problem do you simply say, "that sucks to be them" or do you actually enter into their problem? Ministry happens at ground level. Are you willing to make the sacrifices to minister to people? Jesus gave up everything for you. Are you willing to give up anything?
"Lord, if you are willing you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" And immediately the leprosy left him. (vs. 12-13)
Jesus has all authority. He was there at creation (John 1). He can just speak and make things. He could have simply spoke to the leper and healed him. But, take it a step further he could have redeemed us from heaven. He didn't even have to leave heaven. He has that sort of power. He chose to come down to rescue us. He chose to enter into our world and minister to us where we are at. He chose to touch the leper to heal him. He exited heaven to come down here and minister to you and he displays his meekness by touching a leprous man.
What is your strategy for being like Jesus. Do you throw money at good ministry ideas? Or do you literally enter into peoples problems to touch them?
That is the model that Jesus gives us. When you see a problem do you simply say, "that sucks to be them" or do you actually enter into their problem? Ministry happens at ground level. Are you willing to make the sacrifices to minister to people? Jesus gave up everything for you. Are you willing to give up anything?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Crazy Love

Some of you have found out who my hero is... Francis Chan. He is a pastor of a church in California that I have met and I deeply respect what he and his church are doing. His church gives away 50 percent of their income to missions organizations and other projects. They are also building an outdoor amphitheater to seat more people as opposed to building a multimillion dollar building to have a bigger sanctuary. In a couple weeks Chan's new book will be coming out called Crazy Love. I highly recommend the read and if you want to know more about Chan or his church here are some websites to check out.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Luke 4- Saturate Your Mind With the Word

In Luke 4 I want you to notice something that Jesus does. He is fasting and praying in preparation for the start of his 3 year ministry stint that eventually leads him to the cross. So, first notice the preparation that he does; prayer and fasting. If you want to do great things for the Kingdom it begins with those two disciplines coupled with an understanding of the Word which Jesus displays as he interacts with the devil in verses 4, 8, and 12.
The thing I want you to notice is that Jesus quotes scripture. When Jesus is faced with a trial or temptation he quotes a piece of scripture to help fight off the attacks of Satan. If you want to be successful in your walk with Christ then you need to equip yourself with the "sword of the spirit, which is the word of God" (Ephesians 6:17) You need to memorize verses to help you when the time is needed. It is not enough to simply have your sword at your side... You need to know how to pull it from the scabbard and wield it mightily. As tough times come it will be of great benefit to have verses come to your mind that you can use as an offense against Satan. When you go to battle you need a weapon. A shield is not enough although it will help when the attack comes. But if you have left your weapon at home then I promise the battle will be tiring and you will never have an opportunity to advance on you enemy. You can hold up your shield of faith all day but if you never strike a blow then Satan will not depart from you. The Word of God is your sword, it is your weapon and we need to learn verses that will help us when the battle lines are drawn.
There are a couple resources that will help us with this... Navigators Ministry has an introductory level of memory verses that will give you a foundation. Here is a link to some free downloads
Another great resource is available from Desiring God Ministries. They offer a memory verse kit called "Fighter Verses". There are over 500 verses that you can learn and use mightily for His Glory! It is $12 dollars but I think that is a wise investment into your eternity.
Let's be a youth group that is saturated with the Word and able to use it like our incredible Rabbi! I want so badly to be like Him. And my prayer for you is that you would be like Him too!
The thing I want you to notice is that Jesus quotes scripture. When Jesus is faced with a trial or temptation he quotes a piece of scripture to help fight off the attacks of Satan. If you want to be successful in your walk with Christ then you need to equip yourself with the "sword of the spirit, which is the word of God" (Ephesians 6:17) You need to memorize verses to help you when the time is needed. It is not enough to simply have your sword at your side... You need to know how to pull it from the scabbard and wield it mightily. As tough times come it will be of great benefit to have verses come to your mind that you can use as an offense against Satan. When you go to battle you need a weapon. A shield is not enough although it will help when the attack comes. But if you have left your weapon at home then I promise the battle will be tiring and you will never have an opportunity to advance on you enemy. You can hold up your shield of faith all day but if you never strike a blow then Satan will not depart from you. The Word of God is your sword, it is your weapon and we need to learn verses that will help us when the battle lines are drawn.
There are a couple resources that will help us with this... Navigators Ministry has an introductory level of memory verses that will give you a foundation. Here is a link to some free downloads
Another great resource is available from Desiring God Ministries. They offer a memory verse kit called "Fighter Verses". There are over 500 verses that you can learn and use mightily for His Glory! It is $12 dollars but I think that is a wise investment into your eternity.
Let's be a youth group that is saturated with the Word and able to use it like our incredible Rabbi! I want so badly to be like Him. And my prayer for you is that you would be like Him too!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Equal With Peter?
I was just clued in to an interesting passage last night. It was a letter that my dad recieved from Desiring God Ministry and it started with a passage of scripture. It kind of rocked my world... Let me preface sharing that passage with a question: Do you ever wonder if as a Christian you should be experiencing more? You should have more of the Holy Spirit's power? You should live more righteously? I do. I often wonder if there is more to this thing called Christianity than just attending church and going on missions trips and doing a couple good works. I really want to live like the early church. They did life crazily! And without the Spirit of God at work in them there is no way that it would be possible!? Last night I was studying the Word with my family and in John chapter 3 it says, "... for God gives the Spirit without limit" (verse 34). God gives the Spirit without limit!? In this context it is talking about Jesus, but I don't think that it is restricted to Him. God gives the Spirit without limit to those that seek him, to the disciples, to the apostles, to YOU! Check out this incredible verse that we stumbled on....
"Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ,
To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 1:1 ESV)
Peter is addressing this letter and this is his opening statement "to those that have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours"?! Equal standing?! With the Apostle Peter? Ok, let me just remember for a minute who this Peter was; The Rock, the first disciple to recognize that Jesus was the Christ, present at the transfiguration, reinstated at the see of Galilee, first person to preach the Gospel, healed the sick, pillar of our Christian faith, people wanted his shadow to fall on them, he was the man! Peter is saying to us... "you have obtained a faith equal with mine." He doesn't say, "like mine," or, "similar to mine," or, "near mine". He says, "equal to." We have a faith equal to his. I do not want to be arrogant, I realize that I am no Peter. And honestly Peter is not that big of a deal. It is the Spirit in him that makes him amazing. That same Spirit is available to me, to you, to us! We need to believe that! We need to beg God that he would pour his Spirit out in us without restriction. I want to be a youth group that is filled with the Holy Spirit! Imagine if we all lived like Peter!?! If we bought into the fact that we have a faith of equal standing with the Apostles?!? Let's pray that we would see that happen! God would you please pour out your Spirit without restriction on us?
"Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ,
To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 1:1 ESV)
Peter is addressing this letter and this is his opening statement "to those that have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours"?! Equal standing?! With the Apostle Peter? Ok, let me just remember for a minute who this Peter was; The Rock, the first disciple to recognize that Jesus was the Christ, present at the transfiguration, reinstated at the see of Galilee, first person to preach the Gospel, healed the sick, pillar of our Christian faith, people wanted his shadow to fall on them, he was the man! Peter is saying to us... "you have obtained a faith equal with mine." He doesn't say, "like mine," or, "similar to mine," or, "near mine". He says, "equal to." We have a faith equal to his. I do not want to be arrogant, I realize that I am no Peter. And honestly Peter is not that big of a deal. It is the Spirit in him that makes him amazing. That same Spirit is available to me, to you, to us! We need to believe that! We need to beg God that he would pour his Spirit out in us without restriction. I want to be a youth group that is filled with the Holy Spirit! Imagine if we all lived like Peter!?! If we bought into the fact that we have a faith of equal standing with the Apostles?!? Let's pray that we would see that happen! God would you please pour out your Spirit without restriction on us?
Monday, April 14, 2008
Luke 3 -Produce Fruit in Keeping With Repentance
You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire" (Luke 3:7-9).
This is a message that I need to be told often. Cory, "produce fruit in keeping with repentance." Your life had better bear the marks of being a real Christian. Don't just talk about it. Show it. I am not saying that I physically try hard to be a Christian by doing all sorts of works. John tells us how to achieve fruitfulness..."repent." Get on your knees and repent of your sins and seek God's Kingdom. It is not a faith of works but like James says, "faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead" (James 2:17). Action should accompany your faith. Don't just believe... even the demons believe (James 2:19). Live it out. The ax is at the root of every tree that does not produce good fruit. You want a good motivator for repentance, dwell on the wrath of God. Jesus is going to come with his winnowing fork in hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire (verse 17). I do not want to be a referred to as a 'brood of vipers. ' I do not want to be chaff that is burned up. I do not want to be a fruitless tree. I want to be a son of the King. I want to be a wise servant that ''fears the Lord." Out of a deep respect and reverence I want to serve my Lord with fear and 'rejoice with trembling'. Some might think this is harsh but look at verse 18, "and with many other words John exhorted the people and preached the good news to them (emphasis added). This is good news. Being exhorted or corrected is actually the best thing for you. To be brought back into the fold is the best thing for you even if the Shepard of the flock has to use his rod and firmly whip you so you do not stray so far from the flock. His way is best. He is God. We should all repent this morning and beg God that He would make us a fruitful group of Christ followers.
This is a message that I need to be told often. Cory, "produce fruit in keeping with repentance." Your life had better bear the marks of being a real Christian. Don't just talk about it. Show it. I am not saying that I physically try hard to be a Christian by doing all sorts of works. John tells us how to achieve fruitfulness..."repent." Get on your knees and repent of your sins and seek God's Kingdom. It is not a faith of works but like James says, "faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead" (James 2:17). Action should accompany your faith. Don't just believe... even the demons believe (James 2:19). Live it out. The ax is at the root of every tree that does not produce good fruit. You want a good motivator for repentance, dwell on the wrath of God. Jesus is going to come with his winnowing fork in hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire (verse 17). I do not want to be a referred to as a 'brood of vipers. ' I do not want to be chaff that is burned up. I do not want to be a fruitless tree. I want to be a son of the King. I want to be a wise servant that ''fears the Lord." Out of a deep respect and reverence I want to serve my Lord with fear and 'rejoice with trembling'. Some might think this is harsh but look at verse 18, "and with many other words John exhorted the people and preached the good news to them (emphasis added). This is good news. Being exhorted or corrected is actually the best thing for you. To be brought back into the fold is the best thing for you even if the Shepard of the flock has to use his rod and firmly whip you so you do not stray so far from the flock. His way is best. He is God. We should all repent this morning and beg God that He would make us a fruitful group of Christ followers.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Luke 2 -Pray More

In verses 36-38 I was struck with awe at the account of Anna... Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord and to make the appropriate sacrifices. During this trip they meet a couple of interesting characters. One is a man called Simeon who was righteous and devout and God had revealed to him that he would see the Christ before he died. Moved by the Spirit Simeon went and saw Jesus and said many incredible things about the child. Which is an awesome story but I want to focus on the second encounter. They met a woman named Anna who was a prophetess. Anna "spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem." (vs 38)
I know that most people would be completely overwhelmed at the sight of God as a baby. I am sure the Spirit would cause such a deep sense of wonder as you look at the Creator of the universe wrapped in clothes and in the arms of a mere human?! But, I think there is something special about Anna. The Bible says that she lived with her husband for 7 years, then he passed and she was a widow until age 84. In verse 37 we see what kind of amazing woman Anna is when it says, "she never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying." That line right there rocked me this morning. Does the bible really mean that Anna was always praising God? Always fasting and praying? For months? For years? Until she was 84? YEP. Anna was a prophetess that was after God's heart. She dedicated herself to worship, praying, fasting. She was just looking after the ways of God. I am extremely encouraged by Anna. Because when you see someone else living that way it gives you no excuse. If I told you that you should always pray, always fast, always worship, you might respond saying, "that is unrealistic, no one does that!?" But when scripture gives us an example of someone that took God that seriously, we are without excuse. I am convinced that I need to be praying more. That I need to be on my face before God begging for you and your future. That I need to be at the temple day and night asking God that He would work in the hearts and minds of the students and leaders of CSM. I am without excuse, Anna did it, so should I. Prayer is powerful and effective. Let's do it more.
I know that most people would be completely overwhelmed at the sight of God as a baby. I am sure the Spirit would cause such a deep sense of wonder as you look at the Creator of the universe wrapped in clothes and in the arms of a mere human?! But, I think there is something special about Anna. The Bible says that she lived with her husband for 7 years, then he passed and she was a widow until age 84. In verse 37 we see what kind of amazing woman Anna is when it says, "she never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying." That line right there rocked me this morning. Does the bible really mean that Anna was always praising God? Always fasting and praying? For months? For years? Until she was 84? YEP. Anna was a prophetess that was after God's heart. She dedicated herself to worship, praying, fasting. She was just looking after the ways of God. I am extremely encouraged by Anna. Because when you see someone else living that way it gives you no excuse. If I told you that you should always pray, always fast, always worship, you might respond saying, "that is unrealistic, no one does that!?" But when scripture gives us an example of someone that took God that seriously, we are without excuse. I am convinced that I need to be praying more. That I need to be on my face before God begging for you and your future. That I need to be at the temple day and night asking God that He would work in the hearts and minds of the students and leaders of CSM. I am without excuse, Anna did it, so should I. Prayer is powerful and effective. Let's do it more.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Luke 1 - Orderly Account
In chapter one of the Gospel of Luke we find an interesting introduction that isn't found in any of the other synaptic gospels. Luke gives an introduction to his writing and what he intends to do through it. Luke is a physician and is the author of Luke and Acts. He actually wrote more than any other new testament writer including Paul and John. But, I love verse 3; "since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you..." Luke is saying that he was an eye witness to the life of Jesus, he was a follower, and not only that, he investigated. So, he endeavors to write the account of Jesus of Nazareth and his forerunner John. "So that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught." (Verse 4) As we read through the Gospel of Luke I want verse four to replay over and over in your head, "I am reading this... 'so that I know the certainty of the things I have been taught.'" The Gospel of Luke I hope will not only inform you of the life of Jesus but will confirm the Gospel in your heart and mind. I know this is the third Gospel that we are going through but I hope and pray that you meet Jesus in a new and fresh way. Luke is careful to write with attention to detail and precision so I hope that you pick up every nuance of Jesus. That you can see his passion and heart as we study and meditate through Luke.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Good Worship Music

I just want to let you know that worship music is incredible! Christianity is a singing religion! Think about how weird it is that we sing every Sunday?! Even dads that look like they have never shed a tear and would simply say to friends, "I don't sing". Old men singing, women, children, everyone sings at church. It is actually pretty bizarre to think about. We come together and sing and when you think about it, it is hard not to sing. God has done so much for me that sometimes I just want to yell from a mountain top what he has done.
Psalm 47
clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth! He subdued nations under us, peoples under our feet. he chose our inheritance for us, the pride of Jacob, whom he loved.
Selah (Musical interlude to contemplate)
God has ascended amid shouts of Joy, the Lord amid the sounding of trumpets. Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. For God is the King of all the earth; sing to him a psalm of praise. God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne. The nobles of the nations assemble as the people of the God of Abraham, for the kings of the earth belong to God; he is greatly exalted.
Think about verse 6... "sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises.
I was just listening to some incredible worship music. Hillsong just released the I Heart Revolution: With Hearts as One album on itunes. So I am overwhelmed by the presence of God as I sit at my desk and worship the one worthy of all my praise! It is weird how simply singing to God can change everything. It helps to refocus your thoughts and energies towards the one that worthy of our praise. In fact most people that are martyred for the Christian faith actually sing in their final minutes. God gives them a song! Their lips profess His beauty through song?! Isn't that crazy?! I just wanted to take a minute to note how incredible it is to praise God. And, it is so good for me today to just sit at His feet and worship Him!
Psalm 47
clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth! He subdued nations under us, peoples under our feet. he chose our inheritance for us, the pride of Jacob, whom he loved.
Selah (Musical interlude to contemplate)
God has ascended amid shouts of Joy, the Lord amid the sounding of trumpets. Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. For God is the King of all the earth; sing to him a psalm of praise. God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne. The nobles of the nations assemble as the people of the God of Abraham, for the kings of the earth belong to God; he is greatly exalted.
Think about verse 6... "sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises.
I was just listening to some incredible worship music. Hillsong just released the I Heart Revolution: With Hearts as One album on itunes. So I am overwhelmed by the presence of God as I sit at my desk and worship the one worthy of all my praise! It is weird how simply singing to God can change everything. It helps to refocus your thoughts and energies towards the one that worthy of our praise. In fact most people that are martyred for the Christian faith actually sing in their final minutes. God gives them a song! Their lips profess His beauty through song?! Isn't that crazy?! I just wanted to take a minute to note how incredible it is to praise God. And, it is so good for me today to just sit at His feet and worship Him!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
This Is Taking Too Long!
Ok, for those of you that feel like we are moving at a snails pace through the Bible I want you to realize you are not confined to the chapters we cover on the blog. If you are new to Bible reading than you might have a hard time putting it down! You just want to know what happens next and you want to read it all! I am not trying to discourage that at all. In fact, if you want to do more, then I encourage that you jump into psalms or proverbs and supplement our new testament readings. Or even begin an old testament book like Genesis. Write down your thoughts, try to figure out how it applies to you, and ask God what every verse says about Jesus. In Luke 24:27 Jesus told a group of people about what all of the scriptures say about Him, emphasis on the word all! So every old testament scripture talks about the Son of God?! And, every new testament scripture does as well. Every verse in the bible points to the cross. I am not kidding when I say that this in one incredible book! Feel free to explore more than what we cover on the blog.
Mark 16- Who Will Roll Away the Stone?
"Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?" (Mark 16:3) The ladies were attempting to anoint Jesus' body. They wanted to give him a proper burial but were concerned, "how will we get to him? He is inaccessible." How can the women get to Jesus who has been sealed in a tomb. "But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away." (Verse 4) God had made a way! We want access to Jesus. We want to be near to him and sometimes he seems inaccessible. But, God makes a way. He wants us to come to him and he makes himself available. I don't know what stone stands in your path but I imagine that it "is very large" and difficult to move. But, not so for God! He rolls away the stone that hinders your access to his Son and makes a way for you to meet with him.
Mark 15- Mocking Jesus
"Hail, King of the Jews" (Mark 15:18). As I read about the Roman soldiers and the crowd mocking, spitting, ridiculing, and beating Jesus I grew concerned. I know that these people literally did those things, but I wonder how many times I mock him with my life. I am completely convinced that if I recognized daily that He is Lord of Lords, that I would live completely differently! But sometimes I forget about his lordship. Not on purpose just subtly forget that he is in heaven shining in splendor with angels worshiping him! Then I begin to mock his lordship in my life. Like a disobedient citizen, I begin to break the laws of my lord. 'King of the Jews' I proclaim and metaphorically spit in his face as I live in way that is dishonorable to him. When I blatantly disobey my master it is similar to what these soldiers did. And, God proclaims from the heavens "If I am your father where is the honor due me? If I am your master where is the respect due me (Malachi 1: 6)? Search your heart. See if you are being disobedient in any way to the Lord of Lords. We need to constantly make sure that we are not mocking our Lord by the way we live.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Moving Out For His Glory
So I just recently started renting an apartment. My parents own it and it is a good deal. But, I realized that life gets expensive quick. I have lived on my own before. I lived in a tent, an RV, peoples' couches, and even paid for an apartment for a year that I only stepped inside once(long story). So, this isn't new news to me. But, I want to make sure that I do it in a way that glorifies God. If you walk into my apartment, it would seem pretty barren. I have only a couple pieces of furniture that were loaned/given to me by some missionary friends. They were home on furlough living at my current apartment before I moved in, and left furniture for me to use. It actually looks like a homeless person found an abandoned apartment and spare keys and moved in. I have a bed, a night stand, one table, a coffee pot, a TV, some towels, and a stack of dirty clothes. I know I have the liberty of buying furniture and making it look a little nicer.
But, here is what I am trying to do; I want my apartment to be a picture of how in love with Christ I am. I have debt. I think it would honor God a whole lot more if I payed that debt off before spending money on stuff. It would honor God to pay my credit card bill and my medical bills before getting my own sofa or matching curtains. This applies to my car too. I am in desperate need of a car. I have a vehicle that I am currently driving that belongs to my uncle. It is such a blessing! In fact without it I would be riding a bicycle to work... but I have resolved to pay off as much debt as I possibly can before buying a car. And when I buy a car I do not need to get a nice shiny one that makes me look like a stud... I can get a neon, corolla, jetta, or civic. Basically, I want a car that can get me to Chicago to see my Ashley and get me to work. Nothing extravagant. I think it glorifies God a whole lot when our finances reflect our concern for his Kingdom. I want my checkbook to show that I spent a ton on His Bride (the Church). And, that I spent a ton on missions and evangelism and reaching out with the love of Christ.
I want to exhibit a war time lifestyle. A lifestyle that says that heaven and hell are in the balance. Peoples' souls are being fought over. The way I spend my money and energy is to advance the kingdom of God. Not to live in peace! Not to get comfortable while the world perishes around me! A couple people that have helped me see the immense value of this is John Piper and Francis Chan. Piper is the pastor of a large congregation in Minneapolis Minnesota. Chan is the pastor of a church in Simi Valley California. Both have chosen to receive very little compensation for their work in comparison to the culture surrounding them. In fact Piper lives in the poorest neighborhood in town. When he could easily receive a much higher salary and live in a safe and comfortable neighborhood. Chan has never taken a raise since he first took a significantly small salary from the church he planted 14 years ago. Now Chan is giving away an unprecedented amount away! Chan's church has committed to cutting expenses and giving away 50 percent of their income. They are taking the bible seriously when it says, "Love your neighbor as yourself." Whatever amount they spend on themselves they will match by giving to the community and mission organizations. Praise God for a church like that! Lastly, my friend Ralph Meloon has been an example to me. He is retired now but he has previously been Chairman of the Board of Correct Craft boats. His family started the company in the 20's and now it has become one of the leading ski boat manufacturers... He has been audited on several occasions by the IRS because he gives away the majority of his income every year!?! They are constantly pulling up his info and saying, "this can't be right! No one gives away this much of their income?!" I want to be like these men. I want my finances to point to the risen Christ saying, "He is my treasure! Not my possessions, not my comforts, but Him Alone!" Let me finish with this quote from pastor Piper about wartime lifestyle:
"I need to hear this message again and again because I slip into a peace time mind-set as certainly as rain falls down and flames go up. I am wired to love the same toys that the world loves. I start to fit in. I start to love what others love. I start to call earth "home." Before you know it, I am calling luxuries "needs" and using my money just the way unbelievers do. I begin to forget the war. I don't think much about people perishing. Missions and unreached peoples drop out of my mind. I stop dreaming about the triumphs of grace. I sink into a secular mind-set that looks first to what man can do, not what God can do. It is a terrible sickness. And I thank God for those that have forced me again and again towards a wartime mind-set." (Don't Waste Your Life page 112)
But, here is what I am trying to do; I want my apartment to be a picture of how in love with Christ I am. I have debt. I think it would honor God a whole lot more if I payed that debt off before spending money on stuff. It would honor God to pay my credit card bill and my medical bills before getting my own sofa or matching curtains. This applies to my car too. I am in desperate need of a car. I have a vehicle that I am currently driving that belongs to my uncle. It is such a blessing! In fact without it I would be riding a bicycle to work... but I have resolved to pay off as much debt as I possibly can before buying a car. And when I buy a car I do not need to get a nice shiny one that makes me look like a stud... I can get a neon, corolla, jetta, or civic. Basically, I want a car that can get me to Chicago to see my Ashley and get me to work. Nothing extravagant. I think it glorifies God a whole lot when our finances reflect our concern for his Kingdom. I want my checkbook to show that I spent a ton on His Bride (the Church). And, that I spent a ton on missions and evangelism and reaching out with the love of Christ.
I want to exhibit a war time lifestyle. A lifestyle that says that heaven and hell are in the balance. Peoples' souls are being fought over. The way I spend my money and energy is to advance the kingdom of God. Not to live in peace! Not to get comfortable while the world perishes around me! A couple people that have helped me see the immense value of this is John Piper and Francis Chan. Piper is the pastor of a large congregation in Minneapolis Minnesota. Chan is the pastor of a church in Simi Valley California. Both have chosen to receive very little compensation for their work in comparison to the culture surrounding them. In fact Piper lives in the poorest neighborhood in town. When he could easily receive a much higher salary and live in a safe and comfortable neighborhood. Chan has never taken a raise since he first took a significantly small salary from the church he planted 14 years ago. Now Chan is giving away an unprecedented amount away! Chan's church has committed to cutting expenses and giving away 50 percent of their income. They are taking the bible seriously when it says, "Love your neighbor as yourself." Whatever amount they spend on themselves they will match by giving to the community and mission organizations. Praise God for a church like that! Lastly, my friend Ralph Meloon has been an example to me. He is retired now but he has previously been Chairman of the Board of Correct Craft boats. His family started the company in the 20's and now it has become one of the leading ski boat manufacturers... He has been audited on several occasions by the IRS because he gives away the majority of his income every year!?! They are constantly pulling up his info and saying, "this can't be right! No one gives away this much of their income?!" I want to be like these men. I want my finances to point to the risen Christ saying, "He is my treasure! Not my possessions, not my comforts, but Him Alone!" Let me finish with this quote from pastor Piper about wartime lifestyle:
"I need to hear this message again and again because I slip into a peace time mind-set as certainly as rain falls down and flames go up. I am wired to love the same toys that the world loves. I start to fit in. I start to love what others love. I start to call earth "home." Before you know it, I am calling luxuries "needs" and using my money just the way unbelievers do. I begin to forget the war. I don't think much about people perishing. Missions and unreached peoples drop out of my mind. I stop dreaming about the triumphs of grace. I sink into a secular mind-set that looks first to what man can do, not what God can do. It is a terrible sickness. And I thank God for those that have forced me again and again towards a wartime mind-set." (Don't Waste Your Life page 112)
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