
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Luke 16- Use Your Money

This is an interesting parable... I actually like it a lot. It doesn't fit the in our Christian bubble. It is rough and jagged and if you try to handle it with bare hands it will likely cut you. That my friends is life. Rarely does it fit our neat and ordered guidelines. Rarely does it brush up against you softly.

The parable, if I can sum it up for you, is one where an owner calls to account his manager because he finds he is wasting his possessions. The manager is called to account and told, 'you cannot be manager any longer' (verse 2). Then the manager says to himself, "what shall I do now? I am losing my job I am not fit for work and I am ashamed to beg." Then he devises a plan to help him through this predicament. He calls debtors of his master to him and reduces their debts, thinking, "when I lose my job here these people will welcome me into their houses" (verse 4).

The master then praises the dishonest manager for his shrewdness. Then says this line, "I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwelling" (verse 9). Then Jesus goes on to say, "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money" (verse 13).

Now you see why this is a rough parable? It isn't commending a righteous man for doing righteous things. It is actually praising a crook for being wise with money like all believers had ought to be. Do not loose the heart of this because of the character flaws. The man was a bad and shady man and he acted in an dishonorable way, but he put his resources to work to help better his situation. We need to learn as believers to put our resources to work. We need to see that money can be a snare to us that holds us back like a restraint from God. We should instead employ our money to gain for us an eternal inheritance. "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:20-21). And Jesus wants to emphasize how big of a hindrance this can be. In verse 13 he says "Money" capital M showing that Money can be your master. Lots of so called "Christians" are actually serving that master and not the real Master. Who are you serving? Do you actually spend your money like you have eternity in a dwelling with God? Or, more realistically do you spend your money like you are staying here for awhile? More pointedly, are you making strides towards Christ with your career choice or are you picking subjects that lend themselves towards a bigger paycheck? Do you spend your time sowing into the kingdom work or sowing into your work? "If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? (verse 12)" Put your money to work gaining you an eternal dwelling. Let me take it a step further... you should actually dislike money. I think being poor puts you in a much better relationship to God. Dependence on God is a great thing that we all are leaning on but so many are fooled by their riches to think otherwise. "Be devoted to God and despise [money] (verse 13).

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Luke 15 - Sought by Christ

In this chapter we see that tax collectors and "sinners" were gathering around Jesus to hear him but the religious leaders muttered, "this man welcomes sinners and eats with them." (verse 1-2)

Jesus then tells three parables in row. Boom. boom. boom. The parable of the lost sheep, the parable of the lost coin, and the parable of the lost son. In essence Jesus is defending his actions by showing the utmost value God puts on lost people. Unfortunately, a downside of being righteous is actually being cut off from the world. A real pitfall we face is feeling like we deserve more attention or respect or at least some sign of gratitude for our faithful service (vs 28-32). Jesus shows us that God is concerned with 'the dead coming to life' (verse 32). He is concerned with lost people being found, wandering sheep being brought back into the fold, and prodigal sons returning home. Jesus cares about seeking the lost.

Think about this in your life. How many times have you wandered. I love how in proverbs 3:3 it says, "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." If you want faithfulness you actually have to have it connected to you like a collar! If you want to be faithful to God it has to be branded on your heart. Because, we all like sheep have gone astray (1 Peter 2:25). We all wander. We all have turned our backs to God, left the fold of sheep, went into the open country and even spent our inheritance on 'wild living.' Thanks be to Jesus that He seeks you out and restores you. Thank Jesus that he drew near to you a tax collector and sinner. That he pulled up a chair at your table while you were dinning at the feast of worldliness. If it weren't for his compassion where would we be? We would be on the broad road that leads to destruction. We would be bounding our way towards the flames of Hell. Our hearts dead to the ways of God. Praise Jesus that He sought you out. Praise Him because He was so concerned that you were lost that He recklessly pursued you.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Luke 14- Missing the Banquet

I stumbled upon this text about a year ago and I was 'cut to the core. Brothers what shall we do!?!?' It convicted me so badly about the nominal way that I follow Jesus.

In this passage we find Jesus telling a story of a great wedding banquet in which the host invites many guests. The banquet is a picture of Heaven and the host is God the father, the great Host of Hosts. He invites us to come. "At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready.'" The responses are crippling... they all begin to make excuses; the first says, 'I have just bought a field and I must go see it. Please excuse me.' The second says, 'I just bought five yoke of oxen and I am on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.' Still another said, 'I just got married so I can't come.' The servant went back and reported and the Host was furious. This is the picture of us. God gives us this great invite and we make excuses of why we can't come.

Imagine, if you will, that you have been invited to the NBA finals this year. Someone has given you the opportunity to go to the game and sit in the box seats. I just recently was invited to sit in box seats for a Chicago Bulls game and it was incredible! Food was provided and it was delicious, beverages were included, they even brought a dessert cart around and it was phenomenal! The seats are overlooking the court so you can see all the action. Now imagine if you got invited to the NBA finals this year. Someone asks you if you would like to be flown out to L.A. to watch the Lakers battle it out at the Staples Center against the rivaling east coast team, the Boston Celtics on Tuesday June 10th(provided both teams win this week). The airline tickets to L.A. are easily 400 dollars on such short notice, but this person has agreed to pay for them. Also included is a Hotel stay at the Los Angeles Marriott Downtown. This individual booked box seating for 20 individuals that cost $37, 145 (I just looked online) and you get it all to yourself. But, you can bring your friends for free too provided that you can convince them to come, should be easy enough. Now granted it might be hard to get time off work, convince parents that it is a good idea, etc... but you would be stupid not to go. Honestly, even if you hate basketball it would still be a fun get away to sunny LA. And, imagine if you said without even a hesitation or regret that you had to work, or you had just bought a new toy, or that your significant other wouldn't let you go... That would be so dumb! ...And likewise we do this to God all the time. He has given us the gift of Eternity and we make excuses.

The reason that those people didn't attend the banquet is because they didn't know what they were missing. This is no ordinary banquet. This is the feast of eternal life! You don't pass it up if you understand its infinite value! Jesus goes on in verses 25 and on to say that this is of more value than family, friends, career, even your life! And that we should count the cost before RSVP' ing and then skipping out on the party. Don't say you are a Christ follower if you aren't planning on attending the festivities. This is the greatest invite you have ever recieved. Clear your schedule, plan everything else around it, don't be distracted by the things of this world. This is everything! This is our treasure!

Luke 14 -Be Humble or Be Humbled

What a refreshing story Jesus has for us today... As I continue doing ministry there is a theme that is prevalent throughout everything I do. It is this: I have no clue what I am doing. In fact, I don't even think I am that great at the things I am doing. So, as I listen to Jesus speak about a wedding feast and the proud being humbled I am kind of thankful for my ignorance.

"When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, 'give this man your seat.' Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place. But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, 'Friend, move up to a better place.' Then you will be honored in the presence of all your fellow guests. For every who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." (Verses 8-11)

It was weird to me to hear that an mission organization working in Africa noticed that American seminary students were not being allowed to preach. The response from the African director was this, "The American students are not taught the whole counsel of God. When they are ready they will preach." What does that mean? Why did that statement sting so bad the first time I heard it and yet it rang so true. Previously, I thought I was knew it all. I thought that America housed the smartest and most well versed Christians, but when I was exposed to Christians in Haiti and Africa I was humbled. I realized that I did not deserve a place of honor. I was seating myself at a place of honor but what I am finding out is that I should be on the floor. I should be observing other Christians throughout history that actually believed that their citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20), Christians that sacrifice like Jesus sacrificed (obviously not to the same extent). As a comfortable, well liked, overly listened to, well respected, casual, luke-warm, mediocre Christian I should probably be sitting on the floor at the banquet and not trying to elbow my way to the important seat. I have much to learn.

How does this play out? Do you think you know how Church should be run? How music should be played? Or what we should talk about during sermons? Do you think you understand the word? Or know how to talk to the Most High?

How arrogant of me to think that 2000 years after Jesus died on a cross, Cory Williams came on the scene and then things really got going?! A 26 year old from Illinois has the mysteries of our faith figured out. HA, what a laugh! I promise that if I have said or wrote anything of value to you it is by the Grace of an Almighty God that He put a word in my mouth or spoke through my pen. And, likewise is if you think that you have life figured out or that you deserve to be honored above anyone else. If you think you are more important than your co-workers or class mates or friends be warned. "Everyone who exults himself will be humbled."

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Jesus the Gardener

I was just thinking more about the fig tree analogy... And realizing how Jesus is constantly walking the garden of our souls. He is digging up soil and working to produce in us an eternal glory. He is doing a work in you to make you fruitful. One of these works is his act of pruning. Jesus is constantly working on sanctifying us. The definition of sanctification is the act of making holy, sacred, or free from sin. That is what Jesus is doing to you right now. He is at work on your life. He is preparing you to be in Glory. You are not quite ready. In fact, you have a long way to go if you are honest with yourself. But He is a patient Gardner. He says to the Owner of the garden, 'Please Sir, give me one more year to work.' And He sets to His work diligently.

One of the gardening processes that I like to avoid is pruning. There are branches and shoots that are dead or dying and they are stealing and wasting nutrients. A true Gardner prunes those branches off so the rest of the tree can grow taller, healthier, stronger. But pruning hurts. So we avoid it as best as possible. But we know that it is for our benefit. Let me ask you; In what ways are you allowing the winds of the world to bend your branches from the hands of the Gardner? Clearly you have dead branches. Jesus wants to prune them to make you more like Himself. What specific things are you holding back?

We both know that it is for your benefit that this work be done but all too often we listen to that crafty serpent that influences us away from the work of the Faithful Gardner. He convinces us that we need no work because we are already in His garden. 'Rest comfortably you have given your life to Him... you need nothing,' he says to us. That is a lie. Today Jesus is at work in your life. Pruning is not fun, it is by no means enjoyable, and on some levels it might be the most painful thing you endure. But Jesus our faithful Gardner is doing a work on you that will gain for you an eternal glory. Stoop low this afternoon and place your bows into the hands of the Gardner.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Luke 13 Part 2

Jesus continues after telling his hearers that they should repent or perish by telling a parable of a fig tree. In verses 1-5 Jesus tells his audience that tragedies do not happen because of a person's infirmities(sins). Although sin has caused this broken world you can not conclude that every sickness, every car wreck, every saint lost, every tsunami, every disaster is because the people at the receiving end of tragedies deserve what befell them.

Jesus points out that life is fleeting and then you stand before God. Nothing can completely prepare you for that moment but I think, dear christian, that we should dwell on this often. Think about standing before the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! The sheer thought should send shivers down your back... you should sit silently for seven days like Ezekiel and contemplate what it will be like to experience the Glory of God. This is not to be taken lightly. Jesus tells the audience to repent or you will likewise perish. Turn from sin. Nail it to the cross. Seek refuge in the arms of Christ. Conquer death by taking up the cross. Save your life by losing it in Christ. Flee God's wrath by running to the living and victorious Jesus!

Then Jesus says this, "A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, 'for three years now I have been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?' 'Sir,' the man replied, 'leave it alone for one more year, and I will dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.'" Jesus tells this parable and the fig tree represents the obstinate Israel or more close to home... you and me. It has no fruit it is worthless and taking up precious nutrients but Jesus, our intercessor and gracious friend, compels the owner (God) to be patient and Jesus himself will tend to the garden of our soul. He will fertilize. He will dig the soil of our hearts to make us a better recipient of nutrients (His grace). He will work on your behalf to help us produce fruit. But be careful friend because even the patience and grace of Jesus is not a forever fixed offer. When the trumpet blows on your life there are no second chances(Matthew 25). There is not an opportunity to fix what you have failed to allow God to fix even though daily he stood at the door and knocked(Rev. 3). Repent now while time allows and praise Jesus for being so gracious with you that he constantly extends your grace period. He just gave you another breath... pause... and another one.... but you are not promised this forever. Make yourself right with God. Repent or you will perish. Jesus is fertilizing your soul. Turn to him and praise his calloused and wounded gardening hands that have bought for you an eternal glory. Worship at the feet of the One alone that can purchase your salvation from the hand of a mighty God.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Luke 13- Repent or Perish

I realized recently that I love to skip the difficult texts and comment on familiar, cozy, easy ones and breeze over or skip the tough ones. Today I stumbled on Luke 13 and the first 9 verses are extremely difficult. I decided to try to understand and unpack the mysteries and meaning of this God inspired text and I must say that it is hard. But here is my best go at it.

Apparently a handful of people came up to Jesus to inform him of an event that took place. Pilate killed some Galileans. Unfortunately, history doesn't help us to understand this better because there is not a historical account of this, and honestly I think a lot of commentators are confused by this text also. But let us take a simple stupid approach to this. Pilate killed some Galileans, some people decided to tell Jesus for whatever reason, then Jesus responds. That is the sequence of events in this text. 1,2,3. Many people have tried to pontificate about why the group tells Jesus and about the motivation behind the slaughter... but I would rather focus on the important response of Jesus. I don't think the text gives us enough facts to speculate why Pilate acted the way he did and really there are several logical reasons that the group might have felt the need to tell Jesus, one of which is because they might think that if He is the Messiah then he should do something about a defilement of the temple (sacrifices would be made at the holy temple in Jerusalem). Who knows?

Here is how Jesus responds, "Do you think these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, NO!" In other words do you think that these Galileans were deserving of this harsh experience that passed through God's sovereign hand? Did they do something that made them even worse sinners than everyone else? Did they invoke God's wrath worse than anyone else? ... NOPE. Crap happens to the good and the bad. But here is what you should learn. "Unless you repent, you too will all perish (verse 3)." Then Jesus points out another tragic event, a tower falling on people. Did they do something to provoke God to anger? No. No differently than anyone else. So you should repent or you will be like those people. Actually worse... if you don't repent then you will die a second death(Revelation 2:11). You will actually be under the wrath of God and perish eternally. What you should learn from tragic events is that life is fleeting and then you stand before God. If you are not in right standing with him than you will also perish! But, worse than just dying on earth your soul will be cast into a lake of fire. So, we should repent... Take time right now to kneel before God and cast your troubles at the foot of the cross. Repent from your ways. Turn from your ugly sin and seek the Author and Perfecter of your faith. Have a healthy time of confession. Lay your soul bare before God. Repent or you will perish. There is nothing sweeter than loosing the chains of sin through repentance and running headlong into the arms of Jesus!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Luke 12

Why are we so foolish?!? Jesus says, "you fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you(verse 20)." This whole chapter speaks to me in the way I should live as a Christian... It makes me courageous for the kingdom. But, the thing that breaks my heart is that we as Christians hardly live up to this. It is sad to feel like Christians are indistinguishable from the rest of the world. We have bought into living like the world. We want to "take life easy; eat drink and be merry (verse 19)." We set our hearts on what we will eat and drink... the pagan world runs after all such things (verse 29-30).

My question that I want to put to you is this: What about the way you are living right now proves that you are a Christian? It shouldn't just be something that we explain when asked about. It should dictate every day activity. We should be seeking first the kingdom. Living by faith.

Don't buy into the American dream of comfort and security and peace. Sell out to the cause of the Kingdom! Judge for yourselves what is right (verse 57). Let's be a people that are all out concerned about the ways of God and not just giving lip service to God's ways while we live like the rest of the world, but actually believing and living by faith.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


I just finished an amazing book this morning so I thought I would share with you some of the incredible things I have been reading:

The Bible

This thing is living an active and every time I pick it up, it rocks my world. Do not neglect the ministry of the word for any other books!

Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan

This book is so good! Chan is my hero and he does an superb job at using the Word to convict and then also using the Word to help us move into action. This book will not be an easy one to swallow. Many of the concepts found in the pages will break your heart and cause you to question your devotion to God. Let me add, in very very good way. Godly sorrow leads to life.

Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

I am committed to reading this at least once a year! This was my first round of reading it and I must say that it is top 3 material. This book will bring to light many mysteries of the Bible. C.H. Spurgeon says of it, "next to the Bible, the book that I value the most is Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan." I totally agree! Spurgeon also says, "If you prick John Bunyan anywhere, he will bleed Bible." Pilgrim's Progress is a must read.

Confessions of a Reformissional Reverend by Mark Driscoll

This is the story of Marshill Church in Seattle. Mark Driscoll is unapologetic in his pursuit of Jesus and attempt to do church in a way that honors God. This is an interesting read and will challenge your perception of what a church should be like.

I have a huge stack of books that I am working through right now.... And I just want to remind you that new books aren' t always the best way to go. I am actually reading as much old and time tested stuff as I can. You should do the same.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Luke 11- Sign of Jonah

I want to comment on the text in Luke 11:29-31 because a student asked me about this recently. In verse 29 it says, "As the crowds increased..." and consequently we know that Jesus is a mind reader... freaky.... He knew their motives. They were coming out to see the show. I mean there is this Rabbi from Galilee casting out demons and teaching that the Kingdom of God is near. Who wouldn't want to see that? So Jesus begins to tell them how wicked this generation is because they keep seeking a 'miraculous sign.' Then Jesus says, "but none will be given except the sign of Jonah (verse 29)." Jonah was a prophet that has his own book in the old testament and he was swallowed in the belly of a whale and spit out to preach to the Ninevites that the kingdom of God is near so repent. A prophet gets spit on the shores of your country after being in the belly of a whale for 3 days, I think you might listen to him... and the Ninevites did. They turned from their sin and God had compassion on them (Jonah 3:10).

Jesus is using the story of Jonah to show that there is one greater than Jonah standing before them. Jesus knows that He will be in the tomb (belly of the whale) for 3 days and then He will rise (spit out on the shores) and preach to turn from sin and God will have compassion on you and turn away His holy wrath. Furthermore, the people that repented at the teaching of Jonah are going to stand in Judgement with Him when He comes and they will declare, 'you foolish generation! You had Jesus with you and you did not turn?! Now you will reap what you have sown.'

Jesus is saying the sign of Jonah is the 3 days that He will spend in the garden tomb and on the third day He will Rise! Repent and turn from wickedness and God will spare you. Now we know the whole tale and I must warn you friends, repent. Turn from all wickedness because in that Day the Ninevites will stand with the Judge and they will say, 'you should have known better. You have the Word and it warned you over and over again. Now you will reap what you have sown.' Don't treat Jesus like a magician that can fix your life when you need him. Don't be like the foolish people in the crowd who simply came out to see what all the racket was about. Surrender your life to Him! There is nothing greater or more valuable than His Lordship... The sign of Jonah has come and declared His authority. Will you heed His instruction?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Luke 11: 28 -Hear the Word and Obey

Can you imagine the son of man standing before you and exposing the mysteries of evil spirits, and kingdoms, and unity with his vision?! Neither can I! But, apparently it was so exciting and overwhelming sitting under His teaching that a woman cried out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you! (verse 27)"

I have only ever heard a couple people who so passionately exposed the word of God to me that I developed an instant man crush. It is rare that someone is so near to God and so passionate about His ways that you instantly praise that person for their devotion. It is sad because I wish that was the norm, unfortunately it is not.... Jesus, clearly, would have had this effect.

So the woman instantly praises Him! "Blessed is your mother! I am thankful for your existence! For your teachings! For having this experience!" But Jesus always has a way of steering peoples hearts and motives to the more important things. Like we noticed in chapter ten he pointed us to eternity. Today, He points us to the Word.

"Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it (verse 28)."

You get excited about my mom? Instead you should get excited about the Word. The people who are actually blessed are the ones who hear the word of God and obey it. People who listen to what God has to say and then they actually do it. Jesus sets the example for us all throughout his life and ministry saying he has come to do the will of the Father. He lives to obey. We should follow His lead and be in complete submission to the word of God.

Dear Christian, do you get excited about the word? Have you opened the scriptures today and asked God, "will you open my ears to 'hear the Word' and could you bend my will to obey you?" Do you look at scriptures and walk away without asking what you can obey. I know all too many people who have the curse of being able to hear the word and then walk away unchanged. Unwilling to obey the King of Kings. Unwilling to bend their knee to the Lordship of Christ. This does not happen out of rebellion but by the simple fact that Satan helps you to not see what needs to be obeyed. We have become a people that can nod our heads in agreement during a sermon and never obey. We can open our bibles and study and read without ever obeying God. It is a curse. It is a tragedy that we have trivialized the Words of God to a daily "quiet time' or to a little "teaching." Think about it, if God tells you to do something your proper response should be, "yes my Lord," as you bow in reverence to the Holy King. Somehow we have been deceived to think that we can look Jesus in the face, hear what He tells us, tell him "ok", then we walk away and do whatever we feel like.

Like James 1:22 say... "do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourself. Do what it says." Don't just listen, don't just read, don't let the words fall on def ears. Actually listen and actually obey. Then you will be blessed.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Luke 10-Rejoice That Your Name is Written in Heaven


What does that word do to you reader? If nothing then I pray that God would shake your world as you read this morning.

In Luke 10 we find Jesus sending out 72 of his followers. Telling them to preach that the kingdom of God is near. In verse 17 we see that "the seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name."" They were excited about ministry success. They were excited about experiences that God had given them. They were excited about the authority that they had because of their closeness with Jesus. But Jesus quickly changes their focus... "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." Jesus says, "I have all authority and can give it to you freely. You can, in my name do all sorts of miraculous things. But you want to know what is really exciting?! HEAVEN."

The word eternity is what should drive Christians. The thought of spending forever with Him. It is hard to wrap your mind around it. But, it is extremely freeing. Our lives are but a hand breadth. They are brief and then we get eternity. That gives us the courage to sacrifice. That gives us the strength to endure persecution. To preach boldly. To love recklessly.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:19-21)."

"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:20)."

C.S. Lewis says it like this, "If you read history you will find that the Christians who did the most for the present world were precisely those who thought the most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this." -excerpt from Mere Christianity

"What must we do in the holy place? To whom it was answered, you must there receive the comfort for all your toil, and have joy for all your sorrow; you must reap what you have sown, even the fruit of all your prayers and tears, and sufferings for the King by the way. In that place you must wear Crowns of Gold, and enjoy the perpetual sight of the Holy one, for there you shall see him as he is." -excerpt from Pilgrim's Progress

Does eternity get you excited? It helps you to live righteously! It helps you to love sacrificially! It equips you to worship the King recklessly! It moves you to live courageously! It fits you with readiness, fills you with anticipation, gives you hope, gives you strength, and brings you clarity. You will be with the King forever! ETERNITY. Let that resonate with your soul this morning. My heart is racing even thinking about it! Dear reader, do not allow yourself to settle in here. If you are making excuses for what you should accomplish here, even good Godly reasons are coming to mind of things that concern this present life, then be warned by Jesus... "but rejoice instead that your name is written in heaven!"

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


These verses have been rocking my world:

"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls." -Peter 2:24-25

Think for a moment about the author of this verse. Play through your head what it must have felt like to be a close follower of Jesus. Hanging with him, watching him teach and heal, admiring Him. This was his passion, following Jesus was Peter's life. But, one unfortunate night Jesus said these words that had to sting so bad, "tonight you will disown me." I can't imagine how it felt to hear those words come out of his mouth, "You will disown me." He responded the same way any of us would, defensively, "Never! I will never disown you!"

Fast forward several hours and now Peter is warming himself by a campfire while he watches from a distance what is going to happen to his Lord Jesus. Then this ugly interaction took place... someone asked him if he was a Galilean? If he was a friend of Jesus? Peter responded quickly, ""Man, I do not know what you're talking about!" Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times." And he went outside and wept bitterly (Luke 22:60-62)."

Now many years have past and he has been completely forgiven by his Jesus. In fact, Jesus personally forgave him and reinstated him (John 21). Imagine with me how deeply affected he was as his pen wrote these words... "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree.... by his wounds you have been healed (1 Peter 2:24)." I can't even fathom it.

Now Jesus says to you these words reader, "you will disown me... you will break my heart... you will disobey me... you have offended my Father." You have broken God's commands and deserve eternal punishment. That is what you deserve. But Jesus, bore your punishment in his body on the tree. As he hung there he was paying for what you deserve. Every whipping he received was taking away your sin. Every curse that people spat at the undeserving Son of God was making you blameless. Every drop of blood shed that day by our Lord was earning you an eternal salvation. "By his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your soul (verse 25)."

Monday, May 5, 2008

Luke 9- Sending Out the Twelve

"...he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: "Take nothing for the journey- no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic."" (Luke 9:2-3)

What an awesome training! As a rabbi Jesus wants to put his followers in situations that are going to make them trust Him and trust God the father even more. He sends out his disciples with the instructions, "preach the Word, bring nothing to help you on your journey, trust God." I am inferring two of those statements. You won't find, "preach the word" anywhere in those two verses and Jesus doesn't literally say, "trust God" but you can definitely see that is the point of this rabbinical commission. I learned this lesson the hard way too. Jesus sent me out. To Florida to pioneer a ministry. I had little to nothing, just what I could fit in my little green VW Jetta. I only had $200 on me, which would translate into a couple of hotel stays if I couldn't find a place to live. It took a lot of trust. It is not easy to go without a game plan, or provisions, or a bag, or staff, or money, or tunic. But, I will speak from my experience and say these word that are hard to wrap your mind around, "God is enough." He always provides and always comes through. (Though not always the way we think He should)

Look at the outcome of their obedience in verse 6: "so they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere." Don't you desire that of your life? Don't you want to be someone that Jesus has given "power and authority" to (vs. 1)? That actually gets to see lives changed for His glory? I certainly do! Let me tell you this, God wants you to live a life like that! He wants you to be obedient and he wants to wield you to preach the good news with your lives, using words if need be. He wants to change others lives by using yours and all you have to do is trust and go in the authority of Jesus!