Another area I see us struggling with is peace.
Or to put it in the form of a question, "Am I doing enough?"
As Christians I think it is easy to compare ourselves with others. We see people that are so so godly. Then because of our unique position, we see our many many sins. As those two observations come together it is very easy to get depressed. Why are they so godly and I am so lame? When we begin to talk about our spiritual journey we say things like, "I suck at this..." or, "I'm not doing very good in this area."
How does the gospel address this issue of lack of peace?
Before I jump the gun, let me say knowing your sinfulness is important. At Ash and my condo the place is very clean. It is a newer construction and we have taken care to paint, decorate, and clean it up very nicely. But, when the sun comes through the window in the evening, I can visibly see the dust in the air. I can see the film on the furniture and counter-top and I notice the dirt under the couch. The introduction of the bright light shows off the dirtiness. In the same way, the closer you get to God, the brightness of His holiness exposes the dirtiness of your sin. This is a good thing as long as the gospel is really changing you...
When the gospel is really changing you two things should grow and change at the same time; your knowledge of your sin
and the finished work of Christ for you.
When Jesus said from the cross, "It is finished" (John 19:30), he meant it. He completed His task of dying in your place so you could live. He took the blows so you could go unpunished. He stood condemned so you could be free.
When we act as if our relationship with God is based on how well we are doing at bible study, prayer, watching our mouths, or whatever "christian" activity, we are saying with our actions, "It is
not finished unless I can do this well." We have no peace when we do this. We are not living in the joy of experiencing the finished work of Jesus.
This was a problem for other Christians too. When God wanted to address the Galatian church he was concerned with how they were adding to the gospel. As if in addition to the gospel they had to observe some religious practices to actually be right. NO! What Christ has done is enough. Stop trying to add to it!
God loved you while you were making a mess of your life. He didn't love you because you made some changes. Any positive Christian change is the result of what Christ did not the cause.
Many of us are moping around because we feel like we can never add up. The reality is, you can only add up because of Christ, and He gives you the gift of adding up regardless of how good you are. Even inspite of how good you are.
God restore the joy of our salvation! You have rescued us. Your grace is unbelievable so teach us how to believe!
So real change happens in us when the Holy Spirit applies the truth that 'it is finished' in us. We begin to live in the glorious gospel of grace when we see that Christ is enough for me. Even more than enough. Now the reason I work hard at being a Christian is not to impress God, or make Him happy with my performance, but because I love Him. He paid it all. I live for Him because He died for me. That is real change in real life.