
Friday, October 22, 2010

Know Your Roots

As the Global Church--represented by The Lausanne Movement-- is halfway through their meeting in Capetown South Africa, I believe it is fitting to highlight the advancement of the Kingdom. They are discussing the issues surrounding world evangelization, celebrating the Gospel advancement, mourning over persecution, and rejoicing in King Jesus's current and eternal reign.

It is important for us--silly little western Christians--to know our rich, muddied, confusing yet sovereignly orchestrated heritage. Here are some videos from the global council.

Cape Town 2010 Opening Session - Turning Points, Part 1 from Lausanne Movement on Vimeo.

Cape Town 2010 Opening Session - Turning Points, Part 2 from Lausanne Movement on Vimeo.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Do Something Uncomfortable

The other day I saw a kid purposefully miss the bus. He and a young girl were both a little late. The young lady hustled to make the bus and the young man took his time so the impatient and scheduled driver would have to leave him behind. It reminded me of jumping into the weeds on our lane to hide from Esther--our driver for Shirland School. I knew that if I missed the bus I would ride comfortably with one of my parents to school-which is better by far than having to ride the bus.

I watched as the boy that missed the bus sheepishly waved from his hip to his friends as they sped off. The timid downcast face broke into a devious smile while he watched his friends get carted off in the big yellow people hauler. Through the window I could see heads bobbing in unison like cattle getting carted off to wherever cattle go. One got away today. He stalled and it worked. Now he is enjoying the comforts of either missing class or riding in style.

All too often I think we avoid the uncomfortable. We want to ride with mom. We want to control the radio, roll down the window, throw our feet up on the dash, and maybe even take a power nap. The same is true in our spiritual journey. Instead of doing something that requires faith, we purposefully go the easiest route. We want to be comfortable. We are okay with following Jesus so long as it doesn't interfere with my peaceful life.

What are you pursuing right now that requires faith? What decisions are you making that make you a little uncomfortable? Many times God is asking us to make the bus, to sit in those uncomfortable seats and chat with our class mates because that's where He wants us. That is where He may use you to change someone else's life. Don't shy away. Hustle to make the bus.