
Thursday, May 14, 2009

What to do with Sin?

Kill it. 
"There is not a day but sin foils or is foiled, prevails or is prevailed on; and it will be so whilst we live in this world"... in short: Be killing sin or it will be killing you. - John Owen from The Mortification of Sin
The method is two fold:
1) Love God
"The love of God is the cure for sin." -Richard Baxter
Do everything within your ability to love God more than sin! He is greater and better than any momentary sin (ps. they have eternal consequences if not forgiven). This leads to my next suggestion:
2) Use your sword: "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Ephesians 6:17).
Know and love your bible. Use it to see the glory of God in the face of Christ(2 Cor 4:6). It will swell your heart with love for Christ and make sin seem what it is... a plunging of a spear into the side of your Savior. 

Quote the word in the face of temptation. If the Son of God used this as His strategy for the temptation of the Devil, how much more desperately do we need to employ this strategy?!
"Sins will not only be striving, acting, rebelling, troubling, disquieting, but if let alone, if not continually mortified, it will bring forth great, cursed, scandalous, soul-destroying sins." -John Owen
So... what sins have you killed today? If it takes you a minute to think of any that you killed or even can think of, then the subtle killers are probably killing you subtly.

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