Photo on right:
The Unknown Rebel - This famous photo, taken on 5 June 1989 by photographer Jeff Widener, depicts a lone protester who tried to stop the PLA's advancing tanks until he was pulled into the crowd by several onlookers.
The Unknown Rebel - This famous photo, taken on 5 June 1989 by photographer Jeff Widener, depicts a lone protester who tried to stop the PLA's advancing tanks until he was pulled into the crowd by several onlookers.
Matthew 24 and 25 is Jesus's comments and teachings on the end of the age. He is telling the disciples and us to be prepared. There are a ton of amazing things in these two chapters but I don't want to overwhelm you with too much info. So, we will look at a couple key texts that are jumping out at me this morning. First, let me premise this chapter and chapter 25 with the fact that we have to understand this teaching fully! Jesus is preparing his disciples for how to live when the bridegroom(Jesus) is no longer around. If you haven't noticed Jesus peaced out a lil' while ago. So we are in a waiting period for his return and this teaching is important for us to get.
Jesus wants us to know that things will not be easy... as you read through chapter 24 there is very little comforting that Jesus is doing. He simply says, "You will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated because of me.... many will decieve people... there will be false teaching... there will be earthquakes and famines... how dreadful it will be for pregnant women and nursing mothers, pray that it doesn't take place in the winter." When I read all that, I don't look forward to dealing with the end of the age. But, Jesus is preparing us for the difficulties so we don't "[act] surpised at the painful trials we are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you." (1 Peter 4:12) He is telling us that in the last days we can expect hell on earth. Christians being persecuted, false teachers leading many astray, natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars, increase of wickedness, and the love of most will grow cold. "But he who stands firm to the end will be saved." (vs 13) This is the picture that God is painting for us: STAND FIRM! Like the man in Tiananmen Square!(pictured at the top right) As true followers of Christ we are to stand firm in the faith even when the armies of the world are mounted against us and we are facing persecution and impending death! We are soldiers of the Most High and our treasure is in heaven giving us the freedom to live couragiously showing our families and friends that God is our everything and our allegiance is to Him alone and no matter what opposition comes our way we will endure to the end. Recieving our reward from the One who has all authority and power. That is the couragious lifestyle we are to live for the Kingdom and Jesus goes on to tell us in verses 36 and following. No one knows when the Lord will come so you better be ready. Don't settle in. Don't be found sitting on your hands or swinging your feet, like a child on a tall chair. "Be ready! because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." (vs. 44) You should be like the good servant who is found working when the master returns. And then you will be placed in charge of all the masters possesions. But, you better not be the lazy servant who thinks the master is never coming!? Jesus is letting us know that he is coming! He is Close! He is in Charge! And you better be ready to answer to him when he arrives! Verse 32 says that his sign will appear in the sky announcing his arrival and ALL nations will mourn. I think the idea is of deep regret. All nations, many people will feel the pains of realizing they have lived wasted lives. When you stand in the Glory of Son of Man and all his angels I pray that you have a bitter sweet feeling. One of deep regret for all those who didn't come to know him but also one of greatest Joy because you know that you are called and confirmed in the faith and you will spend eternity with Him! So friends, STAND FIRM! Live your lives passionately for the King! Prepare for his return. Work diligently at the tasks he has placed before you because you will be accountable! We serve a Mighty God!
Jesus wants us to know that things will not be easy... as you read through chapter 24 there is very little comforting that Jesus is doing. He simply says, "You will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated because of me.... many will decieve people... there will be false teaching... there will be earthquakes and famines... how dreadful it will be for pregnant women and nursing mothers, pray that it doesn't take place in the winter." When I read all that, I don't look forward to dealing with the end of the age. But, Jesus is preparing us for the difficulties so we don't "[act] surpised at the painful trials we are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you." (1 Peter 4:12) He is telling us that in the last days we can expect hell on earth. Christians being persecuted, false teachers leading many astray, natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars, increase of wickedness, and the love of most will grow cold. "But he who stands firm to the end will be saved." (vs 13) This is the picture that God is painting for us: STAND FIRM! Like the man in Tiananmen Square!(pictured at the top right) As true followers of Christ we are to stand firm in the faith even when the armies of the world are mounted against us and we are facing persecution and impending death! We are soldiers of the Most High and our treasure is in heaven giving us the freedom to live couragiously showing our families and friends that God is our everything and our allegiance is to Him alone and no matter what opposition comes our way we will endure to the end. Recieving our reward from the One who has all authority and power. That is the couragious lifestyle we are to live for the Kingdom and Jesus goes on to tell us in verses 36 and following. No one knows when the Lord will come so you better be ready. Don't settle in. Don't be found sitting on your hands or swinging your feet, like a child on a tall chair. "Be ready! because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." (vs. 44) You should be like the good servant who is found working when the master returns. And then you will be placed in charge of all the masters possesions. But, you better not be the lazy servant who thinks the master is never coming!? Jesus is letting us know that he is coming! He is Close! He is in Charge! And you better be ready to answer to him when he arrives! Verse 32 says that his sign will appear in the sky announcing his arrival and ALL nations will mourn. I think the idea is of deep regret. All nations, many people will feel the pains of realizing they have lived wasted lives. When you stand in the Glory of Son of Man and all his angels I pray that you have a bitter sweet feeling. One of deep regret for all those who didn't come to know him but also one of greatest Joy because you know that you are called and confirmed in the faith and you will spend eternity with Him! So friends, STAND FIRM! Live your lives passionately for the King! Prepare for his return. Work diligently at the tasks he has placed before you because you will be accountable! We serve a Mighty God!
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