"We went on ahead to the ship and sailed for Assos, where we were going to take Paul aboard. He made this arrangement because he was going there on foot." Acts 20:13
Much speculation has been made about this little verse and the reason why Paul might have chosen to go it by foot while the rest of the gang sailed around... I tend to favor the idea of solitude. Maybe, because I can relate most easily to this idea.
Recall that Paul had just preached possibly a 10+ hour sermon. He preached from after dinner until midnight. Then after Eutychus fell and was raised, he preached until daybreak. Also, take note that Paul is in a hurry to reach Jerusalem by Pentecost(vs 16). Furthermore, he was about to give a farewell address to the elders of Ephesus. In his commentary on Acts, J.W. McGarvey lists some additional stresses that might have caused the apostle to desire solitude:
"the deep gloom which shrouded his feelings, caused by prophetic warnings of great dangers ahead; by the critical state of the Churches everywhere; and by the final farewell which he was giving to Churches which he had planted and nourished, naturally prompted him to seek solitude for a time."So, Paul chose to walk by himself. In the ship there would hardly be a place or time that Paul could retreat to. The small quarters, and demands of his travelling companions, would likely hinder his ability quietly reflect and pray. Here is my question for you: do you seek opportunities for God to refresh you and meet with you alone? Are you so busy that God doesn't have your ear unless He divinely invades your to do list? When is the last time that you got alone with God? He desires it and your soul should too! Even if there are many things on the horizon, like Pentecost, pressures of the churches, farewell addresses and the like, the most important thing for you to do would be to meet with God alone. It will strengthen you for the task.
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