Do you see the pressures that lead to ministry pride? Now I know that pride creeps in in so many different ways. Pride is not exclusive to ministry. So, I think these strategies will be helpful to anyone. There are two that I routinely use:
1. I pray what John the baptist said about his relationship to Jesus, "He must become greater; I must become less" (John 3:30). This simple little statement turned into a prayer becomes a great way to curb pride. The goal in all things is that Christ would be seen as supremely glorious... not me. It changes the way I view any ministry that I might perform. Is it glorifying me, or Christ? Is He becoming greater, or am I? The goal is that Christ would get the credit/ glory. Which leads me to the next thing I do.
2. I remind myself of my gifts and Who gave them to me. For example, I am not a public speaker. Never have been. I am the kid that froze up when he had to give a presentation at school. I am not confident of even talking in a group of 5 people. Sharing at small group makes me get all flush, my palms sweat, and I stumble through words. Now God called me to a preaching ministry. In doing this God wasn't being mean, He just knew that He would get the glory. It is His gifting placed on me. It is not mine. I get to participate but I do not create. Therefore, I want to constantly remind myself that it is a gift. It is not my skill or hard work, but it is God's Spirit working through me. He gets the credit and I get the honor of being the instrument God uses.
Pride is a dangerous sin. If you have no strategy for "putting [pride] to death", it is likely that you will get dominated by it. I hope that these little strategies will help you in your struggle with pride.
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