One of my privileges at Camp is preparing and delivering the messages for staff devotionals and middle school. This year we've decided to do a series called "Reckless Pursuit" (we rotate themes every 4 years so this is a repeat). For this series we will be looking at how God pursues rebels like you and me... How appropriate that Tullian Tchividjian new book just came out called Surprised by Grace: God's Relentless Pursuit of Rebels
And here is the trailer for the book:
Surprised by Grace trailer from Crossway on Vimeo.
In addition to Tullian's book I am also reading Man Overboard by Sinclair Ferguson.

Let me just tell you how beneficial this is for me! I have studied Jonah pretty extensively now (I recently had a class project on Jonah) and I must say, the story of God's mercy and grace is ridiculous! God is absolutely unrivaled in His mercy and compassion. If we were treated as we deserved we would be in lots of trouble. Praise God for His grace.
Also, as I study I am reminded of how prideful I am. Jonah was quick to call himself, with a puffed up chest,a "Hebrew". He is spiritually prideful. But, the reality of story is that he is actually the one in desperate need of grace over and over again. Likewise, I am quick to swell with spiritual pride, but I think most days I am the one in greatest need of God's overwhelming compassion.
If you can't tell, I am very excited about what God might do in the coming weeks.
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