
Friday, July 2, 2010

This Works... and It is Actually Scary!

Yesterday I sat down with a student and simply spent some time finding out what is going on in his life. As I reflect on our conversation, I can remember several times where I consciously thought, 'this is something that he learned at CSM,' or, 'I remember teaching this!?' As the conversation unfolded I began to see how much of an influence CSM has had on him. His worldview has been shaped by our teachings. His reaction to situations sounds a lot like what I would do. He is being transformed into the Character of Christ that we as a ministry are presenting to him on a weekly basis. Holy smokes this thing actually works!?!

But, it also dawned on me that he has picked up some negative characteristics too. I see him struggling with the same things that I stumble over. I see sinful attitudes and tendencies, that I have, cropping up in his life too. And, the conversation was a brutal reminder that, with my life, I communicate not only the gospel that I hope to impart, but also the sins that I still carry.

So, would you join me in praying for our students? There is much to celebrate because I know we have emphasized some very important content at youth group. However, we also need to pray that the students would be guarded from our mistakes.

God, help our kids to be shielded from my sins. Help them to learn the glorious truths of the gospel without also learning my bad habits, my selfish tendencies, my critical attitude, my many sins. God you are able! Praise you that the Gospel is so much bigger and more transforming than me! Thank you that the power doesn't rest on me. Thank you that the power for real life change is only in Christ and only through the work of the Spirit. Do a mighty work in your kids. And thank you God for using dust like me. It is a spectacular and humbling thing that you call and use people like me to the glory of Christ. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your honesty in your blogs...seems as if your making an impact, which is awesome!