Why does Christianity get all muddied? Life isn't exactly as clean cut as textbooks might make them seem. Lately, I've been wrestling with how I've added to the muddying instead of offered clear spring water to bring clarity. Here are some ways that I've complicated the simple issue of being a Christian.
I may confess the simple truths but my life speaks otherwise. I believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation by grace alone through faith alone? If someone pressed me on it that is exactly what I would say. It is Jesus. He saves. But, if you examine my life what you actually see is a whole lot of works; bible reading, prayer meetings, endless books and sermons. My messages sound a lot like to-do lists. Be mindful of missions, set aside time for devotions, get involved, care about persecution, know your Bible, you better have right doctrine... What's worse is my actual life!? I seldom pray. I read endlessly. I am constantly listening to lectures or sermons. I lose sleep over whether or not I will "perform well" at youth group. I am constantly scouring for praise. I tell people to prepare for the difficulties and expect persecution. All of these actions and attitudes speak. The message they say is, "you better do something." The message I actually convey with my life then is to live by works. I heap on my friends an un-shoulder-able yoke that I myself am not willing to lift a finger to help (Matthew 23:4 cf. Luke 11:46). Mainly because my own load is crushing me.
So what should it actually look like? I believe Spurgeon was onto something when he spoke of "the grand doctrine of believe and live." I think what Spurgeon is convinced of, and I agree, is that the grand narrative of the Bible leads us to a simple doctrine that if we believe in Christ, we have everlasting life. Romans 10 unpacks this at length. If we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts then we are saved. Simple stupid. That is the foundation. That is what Christianity truly is. Has it become more complicated than that for you? The heart of the matter is faith in Christ.
My friend Laura McFadden has also helped me with this concept. Although, she takes believe and live in another direction. She is a huge advocate of being who God made you to be. So often we stuff people into Christian molds. We make them carry burdens that were not meant for them. Then, we watch as they struggle under the weight. Instead, we should each look to be the person God created us to be and to live in that glorious freedom. We let Jesus be our everything and we simply live. That is the beautiful simplicity of it all. Don't make it too complicated. Just believe in Him and then do what you love. Believe and live. This is the way to life.
Maybe things have gotten complicated for you and you feel the burdens of 'being a Christian' pressing in on you. My advice to you is to step back for a moment and just say "Jesus I believe in you and I want you." That's all. Nothing difficult there. It is a confession of your heart, expressed with your lips. And it is life. Now go take a breath of fresh air and do something you love.
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"personality heretics, speaking the truth, but teaching heresy." -Donald Miller
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