
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm In Love With Her!

Yes, I'm in love with Ashley. More so now than ever. I absolutely adore her, but that isn't the "her" that I am talking about at the moment.

I am in love with the Bride. The Church. I think she is amazing and I am giving my life to Her in whatever way my Lord sees fit.

In no way is this an attack on any specific people that I have talked to about the flaws in the Church. I agree! I see Her flaws. In fact, I am one of the flaws of the Church. But, at the end of the day, I can't help but to still look on Her with adoring eyes. She is stunning. She is captivating. She is His.

Can you even begin to wrap your mind around the fact that the Creator and Sustainer laid down his precious life to redeem her?! Jesus Christ suffered at the hands of the religious leaders, to secure for himself the Church. We absolutely do not deserve it. Neither you nor I deserve the grace of our King. Now He calls us into that community of the redeemed. It is staggering.

Do not let criticism, or personality conflicts, or backseat driving -- thinking that if you could run the church it would be better, or any other thing keep you from completely surrendering, submitting, and serving the church.

Let us remind ourselves of how privileged we are to be a part of the Bride.

Below is a video of Randy Alcorn describing why the church is important.

Why should the local church be important to us? from Randy Alcorn on Vimeo.

And if you have more time, you should listen to Kevin DeYoung, co-author of Why We Love the Church, preaching a message on "The Church" by clicking here and downloading or clicking through to hear his message.

"Jesus loves the church, we think you should too" DeYoung and Kluck

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