
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Romans 4 | The Chicken or the Egg?

Which comes first obedience or righteousness? This question is one that helps us to understand our position with God. The way of the world makes me believe that obedience leads to righteousness. Obedience could be called the pathway to righteousness. If I obey, then God is pleased with my conduct. I obey therefor I am right with God. And the opposite would be, if I disobey then I am un-right. This is the thought pattern of many Churches and Christians too. We think that if someone wants to be a righteous Christian, then they must be obedient to God. You have a problem with gossip... You must put that sin away, then you are right with God. If you do not, then expect divine punishment. It is a very calculable way of looking at life. You do right. You are right.

The Gospel has a different equation. It flips the script. It says, You are right so do right. Let me show you...
"We have been saying that Abraham's faith was credited to him as righteousness. Under what circumstances was it credited? Was it after he was circumcised, or before? It was not after but before! (Romans 4:10)"

Paul is calling us to recognize the economy of God. When God credited righteousness to Abraham--when God called Abraham a righteous man--was it after or before Abraham was obedient? God asked Abraham to bear a mark on his body--circumcision. Naturally we would think once Abraham does what has been asked of him, then he is right. Paul says, "No! God called Abraham righteous before he was obedient!"

"What what what? How can God do that?!" We feel this is totally unfair. There are bad people in my life. They make poor choices, they disobey God, and they hurt others. I want them to do right. Here's what God wants.... He wants them to be right. Instead of demanding obedience, He provides it.

He declares Abraham, and Cory, and you righteous before we even have a chance to prove our obedience. He says, "You are right, now act like." "How can He do this," you may ask? Because Jesus is all the righteousness we will ever need. What Jesus did perfectly, we become recipients of. His perfection becomes ours. Before we are obedient, He is. When we put our faith in Him, He becomes our righteousness.

Mind blowing right!? And why does this matter? It matters because as long as you think obedience comes before righteousness you belittle the work of Jesus. You dismiss what He actually did. You say with your actions that your obedience is more important than His.

To be fair, once you understand this truth your life better show it. Abraham did what was required of him. He was obedient after he was declared right. If you really believe by faith that God has made you right by His Son, then your life will be marked with obedience.

But always remember... You are right with God because of Jesus. It is all on account of Him. He is Salvation. He is Righteous, and He is your Righteousness.

This is all my righteousness,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Nothing But The Blood by Robert Lowry

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