
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm Tired

My wife works nights. Three twelve hour shifts a week--though they are rarely only twelve. Somehow, she manages to remain on top of life even though she commutes two hours even to get to her hospital. I on the other hand, am seldom on top of life. If I do not get a solid eight to nine hours of sleep, I'm toast. I am grumpy, I have a bad attitude, and people don't like to be around me--or maybe I don't like to be around people.

Through my exhaustion God is always teaching me things. I am learning more about my self and God. David Powlison of CCEF has a short publication on exhaustion from NewGrowthPress. In it, he explains how God can leverage your exhaustion for a deeper relationship with Him.

Or another great resource for sleep, is a talk given by John MacArthur at the T4G conference titled, A Theology of Sleep:

T4G 2010 -- Session 5 -- John MacArthur from Together for the Gospel (T4G) on Vimeo.

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