
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Get Satan's Foot Off Your Chest: More on if You are Real

I want to give you the mental picture that Satan or one of his many allies is standing with his foot on your chest and he is laughing. He struck you down with blows of doubt. He has overtaken you by a sense of worthlessness and despair. He partnered with your heart in bringing judgement on you. He paraded in front of your mind all of your lackings.... all the while he has shrouded the beauty and majesty of Christ. He has hidden the cross from your sight and even when you try to think on Calvary it is covered in dense fog.

That was the Enemy's aim all along... his desire is to destroy your faith. And, if you let him he will succeed. He questions your authenticity, he questions your commitment, he questions whether or not Christianity is really worth it.... he has struck you so many times now that you are on you back and he is cackling. He stands proud that he was able to so injure a child of the King.

This cannot stand. Grab your sword. Unsheathe it to Micah 7 and strike back with force. Say these words out loud to your invisible foe. Make them a declaration. Say them out loud and with force... Push hard with your lungs and say it as if you are on the battle field and the enemy needs to feel your seriousness and tremble at your resolve; Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Do not stand over me rejoicing. You can stop your cackling. You can stop celebrating because victory is not yours. Though I have fallen, I will rise. I have allowed you to cause me doubt. My feet have temporarily slipped from the Rock. I am wounded by my sins and guilt and shame. I am down. But I will rise! I am down but I am not out! Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light. I can hardly see the light of day... my soul is disturbed within me. Waves and breakers are crashing on my head. My assurance has left me. My soul feels sapped of its strength. I feel desperate and helpless, but the LORD will be my light. The LORD is my deliverer! He will show me glory. He will pull me from this pit. He will restore my hope and joy. Because I have sinned against Him, I will bear the LORD's wrath, I have allowed my trust to falter. I have sinned. I have taken my eyes off of Calvary and away from grace. I have sinned against the LORD and I will submit to His just punishment. I do not know how long I must sit here but I will patiently endure His reproach. I will take what I have brought on myself because God is just. I will learn from my lack of faith. I will sit here Until the Lord pleads my case and establishes my right. I will bear the LORD's wrath until he takes the punishment that I deserve. He will bring justice. He is just. He will punish with wrath His Son. Jesus will be my advocate and my case will be settled. I will be justified not on my strength or goodness but on His. I will see freedom. The punishment was taken care of. I will see His righteousness. I will see the righteousness of God. I will look on the glory of God in the face of Christ. I will see everlasting victory!

Satan listen up! I have fallen... but I will rise. You have inflicted pain and insult. But Christ is greater still. You have caused me grief but Christ has purchased my comfort. So stop meddling with a child of the King.

Christian, please take these words to heart. Use your sword. I know you hardly feel like fighting back but it is your soul. Strengthen what little resolve you have left and strike back... keep reciting those verses over and over. Keep striking with force until you feel that assurance. Trust God even when you don't trust yourself. This is the fight for your life! Keep your head up. Keep going.

LORD, I am yours!

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