
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

John 5- Our Father is Always at Work, are You?

Jesus just finished healing a man... "[then] because Jesus was doing these things on the sabbath, the Jews persecuted him. Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working." (verses 16-17)

What we need to be keenly aware of is the fact that God the Father is at work today August 12th 2008 (or whatever day you happen to read this). He is at work to this very day. We also need to recognize that Jesus too is working! And without say, the Holy Spirit is at work right now. So, right now wherever you are you can be confident that it is not God's day off. It was the Sabbath day of rest but God is taking no breaks(verse 16). We are commanded and should take breaks but God is always up to something. Here is my concern, how aware are you of what God is up to? Can you even articulate what God might be doing today? I think most of us can go through a normal day of life without stopping to ponder this magnificent truth; God is at work today. When I think about that it makes me curious about what he is doing? It makes me wonder if I am doing anything that is joining in his work?

What are you doing today that proves that you are aware that God is at work and that you think the best way to spend your time is to join in his work? Is there anything in your schedule or the way that you are going to spend your time and energy today that proves that? Because, my prayer for you is that you can say like Jesus, "and I, too, am working. (verse 17)"

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