
Friday, August 7, 2009

Thoughts on Fasting

Let me just say that there are many others who can talk about this topic more authoritatively than I can. I am a newbie, a rookie, a novice when it comes to fasting. So, take my advise as only advise. That being said, there is much to gain from the discipline of fasting. If you are embarking on a fast then you are beginning a great and God centered task that will reward you greatly.

First, it should be said that fasting is both biblical and Christian. It is biblical in that the bible lays out the foundations for fasting, it actually declares that followers of Christ will fast, and it is the ultimate authority on fasting. The bible teaches that, "man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD" (Duet 8:3; cf Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4). It is also Christian because the bible teaches that Christians have certain freedoms yet it is better to refrain from some freedoms to help others and even yourself (1 Cor 10).

So what is fasting? Technically fasting is abstaining from food in order to gain nearness to God. It needs to be said that the goal is to obtain nearness to God. Fasting is not a diet. Fasting is not saving money by not eating so you can spend your money on other things. I had a friend who told me he was going to fast on the way back from a ministry trip so he could buy fireworks. That is missing the point of fasting. The aim of Christian fasting is to obtain God, not fireworks, or a skinny beach body, or anything else. We want to know Christ and we will sacrifice to obtain more of him. That is the essence of fasting.

Now for the form: The bible lays out many types of fasts. Many individuals in the bible including Jesus fast from food and water. But, sometimes the fast is from choice foods but still includes eating (Daniel 10). Or sometimes fasting is eating a particular diet of veggies and water (Daniel 1:12). The length and content of fasting varies in the bible. So it would be wrong to say a fast is only fasting totally from food and for a particular amount of time.

The content: I think it is right that you can fast from much more than food. I have heard missionary work referred to as the fasting from earthly comforts to obtain an eternal satisfaction in Christ[1]. The content really is a choice not to partake in something that we have liberty to use so that you can obtain nearness to God.

This leads me to say that we should at times fast from, not only food, but other things that we indulge in. Sometimes I need to fast from the Internet or from reading books. I need to refrain from things that I have the right and liberty to use and enjoy so that I can get closer to God. We all should do the same, whether it is facebook, or TV, or even a significant other, sometimes your Christian discipleship calls for sacrifice to obtain a greater thing.... God.

A great question that was brought up after youth group was 'what do I do with my new time?' For instance if I read a lot and I am fasting from reading would it be ok to watch a little TV during that time? The answer is "yes, but..." Fasting should never be legalistic. You can set up plans and guidelines but to break those plans or guidelines is not the end of the world. So to give something up and use some time to do something different is ok, but it would be far better to gain what you are setting out to get. When you want to fast the goal is to obtain God. You can maybe meet God through your TV watching but how much better could you obtain nearness to Him through an undistracted time with Him?

So when you fast make it your ambition to get to God. Use the time that you have gained to go to God. That is the true essence of fasting. That is why fasting from food is so beneficial. Your tummy tells you that you need food, then you have the opportunity to tell your tummy that you need God more than you need food. It is a constant reminder. It always points you back to the essence of fasting. You need and want food but you have the opportunity to say "I need and want God more than food."

Which leads me to say try fasting from food! It will reward you greatly. It will show you how much trust you put in food and how often you do not even think twice that God has given you life and breath and food. On mission trips I noticed that those in poverty were so close to God and that is partly due to the imposed fast on them. They are without food so they constantly pray that God would be their portion. We on the other hand have so much food crammed down our throats that we never pray that God would sustain us or be our portion. We are at a huge disadvantage unless we fast.

Christians, please please fast! It will help you to realign your priorities and to let God be your portion. How much greater the reward of having Christ than a full belly!?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fasting is truly an awesome way to connect with God. I know it has played a major role in the relationship I have with God. Awesome post!