
Friday, October 9, 2009

More Thoughts on Worry

In light of the increasing stress levels of our group I want to make sure that we are very clear and practical about how to handle worry. First off, to catch anyone up, this week at youth group we talked about stress. All of us have expectations placed on us and limitations of what we are capable of doing. We each have things that we need to accomplish and achieve and when they pile up one on the other eventually we get to the point where we are stressed. Most of our groups' stress comes from schoolwork, family pressures, sports schedules, and lack of time.

What does Jesus say to us? As we looked at Matthew 6 we saw that Jesus tells us, "Do not worry." Great.... How do we accomplish this? First of all, don't multiply worry. When we worry about something tomorrow we actually have to worry about it twice. Today has enough troubles of its own (Matthew 6:34). So, focus on what you are doing in the moment. If you are doing homework, then do your homework. If you are spending time with family, then spend time with family. If you are at practice, then focus on practice. There is an old saying that goes like this, "work hard and play hard, but don't confuse the two." Whatever the task is before you focus on that. Which leads me to say, divvy out your time. Have a planner and schedule what you are going to do. If you add up all the things in your day that you need to accomplish and you are only left with 4 hrs to sleep, then you need to punt a few things. We can't do it all. Be honest, you are human and you have limitations. Plan your time. Don't forget to plan to play! Make sure you have some fun time in there.

Here is where the message might have stung a bit. In light of all that Jesus says in the text, I think it is safe to say that when we worry it's because Jesus isn't occupying our heart's throne... something else is. That sucks to hear but I think it is true. When I was stressed this past weekend it was because my school work was on the throne of my heart. If only I could have finished all of my homework and gotten good grades then I would have entered into my heaven. Jesus wasn't central, Bible college was. If you are stressed then do a little introspection right now. What is your God? Is it work? Is it school? Is it the approval of others? What would make you happiest? Would it be if you got an A in your AP courses? Would it be if the girl you like went on a date with? How about if you had an easy day at work? Or if your parents would cut you some slack? If any of those things make you happiest then you need to wrestle with the idea that they might have replaced Jesus as your god. You might have someone or something other than Jesus occupying the throne of your heart.

When Jesus is priority in your life and you seek first His kingdom and His righteousness... then it follows that He gives peace and joy, even in the midst of busyness. Think about how bold the statement is, "Sorrowful yet always rejoicing." That is what Paul was able to say the Corinthian church(2 Cor 6:10) and he also told them earlier that, "up to this point we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world" (1 Cor 4:13). If you think your life is rough check out Paul's. He had it bad yet he had a joy because he was seeking Christ's ways, His kingdom. That is where we fail. We have allowed our worries to become our gods and they never satisfy.

Here is what we need to do: Repent. We need to confess to Jesus that He has not been central in our lives. That schoolwork and sports and busyness have crowded Him out. We need to confess that to Him in repentance. Then we need to cling to Him and His forgiveness. He is gracious and kind, abounding in love. Finally, we need to allow Him to be priority number one. Chill with Him at the start of your day before you are even allowed to be overwhelmed with everything else. Let Him remind you of His infinite ability to get things done. Seek Him first and all these things will be given to you also (Matthew 6:33).

Place your worries at the cross. He will forgive. He is enough. Reap the benefits of the promise that when Jesus is on the throne of your life, He gives peace and joy.

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