
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why Does God Feel Distant?

I want to encourage you with a quote from J.I. Packer's Rediscovering Holiness this morning. It is for those of us that feel like God is distant and would love an answer to why he allows that. Here it is:
God brings on dryness, with resultant restlessness of heart, in order to induce a new depth of humble, hopeful openness to Himself, which He then crowns with a liberating and animating reassurance of His love--one that goes beyond anything that was sensed before. As Christ's humiliation and grief on the cross preceded His exaltation to the joy of His throne, so over and over again humbling experiences of impotence and frustration precede inward renewing, with a sense of triumph and glory, in the believer's heart. Thus, with wisdom adapted to each Christian's temperament, circumstances, and needs, our heavenly Father draws and binds His children closer to Himself. (Rediscovering Holiness, page 93).

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