
Friday, April 9, 2010

Valley of Vision | God's Cause

In light of the upcoming weekend, I would love to share a Minister's Prayer from Valley of Vision by Arthur Bennett. Please keep in mind that it is a student weekend at Church and we would love to receive your prayers for an anointed time together. This is the prayer of a minister that I want to echo:

God's Cause (Using contemporary language)

Sovereign God,
Your cause and not my own, engages my heart
and to you I appeal with greatest freedom
to set up your kingdom in every place where Satan reigns
Glorify Yourself and I will rejoice,
for to bring honor to your name is my sole desire.
I adore you because you are God,
and I desire that others would know it, feel it,
and rejoice in it.
O that all men might love and praise you,
so that you would have all glory from the intelligent world!
Let sinners be brought to you for your dear name!
To the eye of reason everything that speaks of conversion is as dark as midnight,
But you can accomplish great things;
the cause is yours,
and it is to your glory that men should be saved.
Lord use me however you see fit;
do with me whatever you desire
but, O, please promote your cause,
Let your kingdom come,
let your blessed interest be advanced in this world!
O bring in great numbers to Jesus!
let me see that glorious day,
and give me to grasp for multitudes of souls;
let me be willing to die to see it happen;
and while I live let me work diligently for you
with my greatest strengths
spending my time profitably
both in health and weakness.
It is your cause that I work for and not my own.

Lord answer my request!

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