
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Romans 2- Inconsistency

Inconsistency is frustrating.... why is it that when we boast in our relationship with God, proclaim to be teachers of the truth, desire to be a light for the world, why is it that tend to be hypocrites and not deliver the goods? Our lives do not always demonstrate the realities that we claim.

One of the reasons why God so swiftly delivers this gospel punch to our guts is because we often need it. We oftentimes actually think that we measure up. We need to be constantly reminded that we don't. In the context, Romans two leads to Romans three where Paul is saying, "There is no one righteous, no one who seeks God, not even one."

Most older generations fear going to the hospital. They believe that they are well and that if they are to go to the hospital then all of sudden things start breaking. They believe the cause is the hospital visit. It is a classic mix up. The reality is that the sickness has been lying beneath the surface. To the onlooker, and the patient, everything appears fine, but in reality there is a life-threatening disease that needs to be dealt with. Once the physician finds the problem he can administer the much needed care.

In the same way, Romans 2 uncovers the sickness. You are not who you claim to be.... you who brag about the law actually fail to live up to the law you so love. You who teach others about the ways of God, actually you fail to teach them to yourself. You are sick and in need of soul care.

My conviction here is that most people misunderstand the remedy. I think you can read Romans two and resolve to set your life in order. Because of the deep conviction inflicted on you, you have a new kindled desire to change. You break the law so naturally you put into place more things that will help you live out the law. You fail to live up to what you teach others so you work harder at listening to your own message. You try harder to become better. Let me say this with emphasis: Morality is not the answer. Jesus is.

Romans 3, heart of the Gospel, is where Jesus breaks into the scene and masterfully administers his scalpel to your soul, remedying your greatest need. The process is painful, but the end result is glorious. Jesus transforms us into His likeness by His Spirit. That is real change.

Lets bring this down to real life. You and I will sin before the day is out.... We are not who we claim to be. The process to godliness is not to try harder not to sin, although we are to exert all the effort we possibly can. The process to godliness is to return to the Surgeon, lay yourself on His operating table, and tell Him the symptoms. Confess your sins to Him. Express your desire to be different and let Him work His grace afresh. I know this process seems redundant! Every single day we are need of this. You may say,"But, how many times Cory?! Shouldn't there be a point when Jesus gets sick of this?! Shouldn't I just shape up so that He doesn't have to do the procedure again?!" No my friend. That counsel is from Hell. The quicker you are to rely on yourself, the quicker that means you dismiss Jesus' work on the cross.

I know it seems incredible that when we continue to sin He continues to forgive us.... the reason is because it is incredible. But we must learn to run to Jesus! I need to hear this over and over and over again!

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