
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our Enemy is Working Overtime

I hope to put some of the notes from Francis Chan's talks at Student Life on our blog soon so be patient. But, one of the things that he pointed out in one of the talks is the spiritual warfare that we are unfortunately unaware of.

He said rightly that our Enemy does not want us to get, understand, or apply the messages that were delivered last week. This is so true. It seems that when advancements are made that Satan is always ready to counter attack.

Since we have returned I have heard news from several of our students that Satan has been handing out crippling blows right and left. Let me give an insight that I hope will be extremely helpful in the battle and it is from Isaiah 6 where Chan started our week.

"In the year King Uzziah died..." That is the beginning of Chapter 6 from Isaiah and it is easy to gloss right over what that meant... I was telling a student today that it would be like turning your radio on and finding out that the president had been assassinated. Imagine that for a moment. Imagine if you heard some huge news like our president had died. Now multiply that news because kings don't change office every four years. It is a lifetime agreement in most cases. Uzziah had reigned 52 years. So this was an extremely crippling blow... throw up your hands. Israel is in mourning. Who knows what will become of things? Take a moment and try to place yourself in the shoes of a citizen from that nation. The King is dead.

But, "in the year King Uzziah died [Isaiah] saw the Lord." The world is falling down on Israel but Isaiah gets to see a glimpse of what is taking place in heaven... The Lord is on His throne and the train of the robe is filling the temple. Do you see the magnitude of verse one? Isaiah is saying that when everything has fallen apart the Lord is reigning on His throne in heaven. You may fret and mourn but the King of Kings is not dead. You may wonder what may come but be certain of this... He Reigns!

As our enemy attacks continue to look on the King of Glory. Continue to fix your eyes on the author and perfecter of our faith. He is in heaven preparing perfect justice. Do not doubt His supreme rule. Do not lose trust in Him. Stay focused on His glory and the circumstances, no matter how severe, will pale in comparison to Him who sits on the Throne. Fight the fight by knowing that Jesus is supreme and He rules. Satan may have authority for a little while to reek havoc but his days are numbered. He may have ability to cause you much grief now but he has been defeated by our King. As the crippling blows come (which they will) fix your eyes on Christ. You will gain perspective at the cross that enables you endure.

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