
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Don't Waste Your Life| Small Groups

It has come to my attention that some students in small groups are struggling through the study of "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper. I know it is a tough read. We have several freshmen whose heads are spinning after reading a chapter. I want to encourage each of you to keep going! Press on. Read slow, think hard, and the reward will be great! This is one of the most phenomenal books I have ever read and it shaped my Christianity.

I also want to let you know I am not going to leave you with no help. My aim is to help you grow in Christ. My aim is not to frustrate you and cause you to give up. So, to help process some of this tough info, I will blog through the chapters of DWYL and try to simplify and apply it to us. Even if you are not in a small group, I challenge you to get a copy and follow along!

This should be a journey!

Oh! One more thing: I will start at Chapter 4 because that is where two of our groups are currently at. My hope will be to do chapters 1, 2, and 3 as well in the near future.

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