
Saturday, May 17, 2008


I just finished an amazing book this morning so I thought I would share with you some of the incredible things I have been reading:

The Bible

This thing is living an active and every time I pick it up, it rocks my world. Do not neglect the ministry of the word for any other books!

Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan

This book is so good! Chan is my hero and he does an superb job at using the Word to convict and then also using the Word to help us move into action. This book will not be an easy one to swallow. Many of the concepts found in the pages will break your heart and cause you to question your devotion to God. Let me add, in very very good way. Godly sorrow leads to life.

Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

I am committed to reading this at least once a year! This was my first round of reading it and I must say that it is top 3 material. This book will bring to light many mysteries of the Bible. C.H. Spurgeon says of it, "next to the Bible, the book that I value the most is Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan." I totally agree! Spurgeon also says, "If you prick John Bunyan anywhere, he will bleed Bible." Pilgrim's Progress is a must read.

Confessions of a Reformissional Reverend by Mark Driscoll

This is the story of Marshill Church in Seattle. Mark Driscoll is unapologetic in his pursuit of Jesus and attempt to do church in a way that honors God. This is an interesting read and will challenge your perception of what a church should be like.

I have a huge stack of books that I am working through right now.... And I just want to remind you that new books aren' t always the best way to go. I am actually reading as much old and time tested stuff as I can. You should do the same.

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