
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Luke 11: 28 -Hear the Word and Obey

Can you imagine the son of man standing before you and exposing the mysteries of evil spirits, and kingdoms, and unity with his vision?! Neither can I! But, apparently it was so exciting and overwhelming sitting under His teaching that a woman cried out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you! (verse 27)"

I have only ever heard a couple people who so passionately exposed the word of God to me that I developed an instant man crush. It is rare that someone is so near to God and so passionate about His ways that you instantly praise that person for their devotion. It is sad because I wish that was the norm, unfortunately it is not.... Jesus, clearly, would have had this effect.

So the woman instantly praises Him! "Blessed is your mother! I am thankful for your existence! For your teachings! For having this experience!" But Jesus always has a way of steering peoples hearts and motives to the more important things. Like we noticed in chapter ten he pointed us to eternity. Today, He points us to the Word.

"Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it (verse 28)."

You get excited about my mom? Instead you should get excited about the Word. The people who are actually blessed are the ones who hear the word of God and obey it. People who listen to what God has to say and then they actually do it. Jesus sets the example for us all throughout his life and ministry saying he has come to do the will of the Father. He lives to obey. We should follow His lead and be in complete submission to the word of God.

Dear Christian, do you get excited about the word? Have you opened the scriptures today and asked God, "will you open my ears to 'hear the Word' and could you bend my will to obey you?" Do you look at scriptures and walk away without asking what you can obey. I know all too many people who have the curse of being able to hear the word and then walk away unchanged. Unwilling to obey the King of Kings. Unwilling to bend their knee to the Lordship of Christ. This does not happen out of rebellion but by the simple fact that Satan helps you to not see what needs to be obeyed. We have become a people that can nod our heads in agreement during a sermon and never obey. We can open our bibles and study and read without ever obeying God. It is a curse. It is a tragedy that we have trivialized the Words of God to a daily "quiet time' or to a little "teaching." Think about it, if God tells you to do something your proper response should be, "yes my Lord," as you bow in reverence to the Holy King. Somehow we have been deceived to think that we can look Jesus in the face, hear what He tells us, tell him "ok", then we walk away and do whatever we feel like.

Like James 1:22 say... "do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourself. Do what it says." Don't just listen, don't just read, don't let the words fall on def ears. Actually listen and actually obey. Then you will be blessed.

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