
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Luke 12

Why are we so foolish?!? Jesus says, "you fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you(verse 20)." This whole chapter speaks to me in the way I should live as a Christian... It makes me courageous for the kingdom. But, the thing that breaks my heart is that we as Christians hardly live up to this. It is sad to feel like Christians are indistinguishable from the rest of the world. We have bought into living like the world. We want to "take life easy; eat drink and be merry (verse 19)." We set our hearts on what we will eat and drink... the pagan world runs after all such things (verse 29-30).

My question that I want to put to you is this: What about the way you are living right now proves that you are a Christian? It shouldn't just be something that we explain when asked about. It should dictate every day activity. We should be seeking first the kingdom. Living by faith.

Don't buy into the American dream of comfort and security and peace. Sell out to the cause of the Kingdom! Judge for yourselves what is right (verse 57). Let's be a people that are all out concerned about the ways of God and not just giving lip service to God's ways while we live like the rest of the world, but actually believing and living by faith.

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