
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Luke 22 -Fighting to be Humble

24 Then a dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to be the greatest. 25 Jesus said to them, "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. 26 But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves..."

This is not an easy lesson to learn! I promise you will not perfect humility by reading this little blog. But, God wants us to be humble and it goes against every fleshly fiber you have in you. And, it infiltrates your Christian life to the point of arguing with fellow brothers, "who is the greatest!? Surely it is ME!" This has been hard for me lately... There is a romance of being a popular pastor and longing for attention from a big congregation or having a large youth group that is hanging on my every word. But, I am instructed by the word to be like a child. To be like a servant and, to take it a step further, to 'be faithful with the little things.' What situation are you in right now? Do you not realize that God wants you to strive at it with excellence? Whether it is cleaning toilets or as working as a missionary in a foreign country... whether it is being a student or teaching the masses. God says that the greatest are actually like the youngest. They are humble. They are servants, like He is a servant. Jesus didn't gripe that He was followed by a bunch of fishermen while Herod commanded tens of thousands. He knew that His Kingdom is different. Some of the biggest influences we can make are by humbly doing what God sets before us.

Are you faithful with the situation you are in? Or do you eagerly desire more? That desire is not from God. It is the same attitude that landed Satan in Hell. A desire to be greater. To command more respect. To have more responsibility. Be careful, it might even sound biblical rolling off your tongue... "increase my borders" or something like that. Make sure that your prayer is an echo of what God is speaking to you and not simply a petition to make yourself better, or greater, or more popular. Are you humble? Or, do you attempt to take back the throne of your heart that so rightly belongs to the King?

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