
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Luke 8- Good Soil

The Parable of the Sower

While a large crowd was gathering.... Jesus told this parable. I love that Jesus when he sees a large crowd does what most church goers would never do... He tells them a hard message. He tells this large group of people that the mystery of the kingdom of heaven is like a farmer that scatters seeds and three fourths of the seed fail and only a small amount actually finds its way to good soil, "those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, an by persevering produce a crop." (vs 15) But look at how he finishes his parable... "he who has ears to hear, let him hear (vs 8)." This is how he finishes a lot of hard teachings. Some people will hear it and believe it. Some will simply hear it. If you have ears hear the message of the Son of God. He doesn't argue. He doesn't even try to convince, He simply says how it is. The word of God will be sown like seeds and many will not produce a fruit, only some, hear my message.

What I challenge you to do today is to reflect and meditate on this passage. No body is above this. The mysteries of the kingdom of God are available to you. They have been sown. Which soil do you think you are?

Are you like the path? With a hard and calloused heart that is impenetrable? Satan makes quick work of your kind. He is like the birds of the air that can eat the seed quickly on the path.

Or, are you like a rock that readily receives the word and with joy, but then after a time of testing, which will come, you fall away? Is your faith firm? Do you trust God even if things don't go your way? Are your roots deep? Does your faith run deep?

Are you like a thorn patch that the word fell into? Did you receive the word but are you still concerned with the world? Popularity? Money? Clothes? Cars? Comforts? Friends? If you are like a thorn patch your faith will not survive. You can't serve God and money.

Examine yourself. Don't play around with Christianity. Many have never truly examined themselves to see if they are in the faith and have managed to fool even themselves(Acts 5). Don't be foolish. Retain the word, and by persevering produce a crop!

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