
Thursday, July 17, 2008

John 3 -Regenerates

This passage has captured me for the past several months... The words of Jesus are eerie and apparently important. He says to Nicodemus, "no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." To which Nicodemus says, "WHAT!?!" We must be born of water and the spirit in order to see the kingdom of God. This concept which is referred to as "born again" or "regenerated" goes like this; We are dead. We are spiritually dead. Some refer to this as the total depravity of man. We are in a state of spiritual deadness and stand guilty and condemned by the Law of the Lord. Then something miraculous happens... God takes dead creatures and by His spirit and by water He quickens us to life!

This is such a critical topic that we are going to do a series in the near future called "regenerates." My prayer for every student in our youth group is that they would be brought to life by the author and perfecter of our faith. That He would perform the procedure of bringing your dead heart to life through the Word that is Jesus Christ! That we would be a bunch of people that have become new creations, the old is gone the new has come! REGENERATES! People brought from death to life.

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