
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Midweek ECE Report

So it is Thursday afternoon and we are at Roanoke Bible College. Since our last update we traveled 10 hours to Columbus Ohio, where we slept in a parking lot due to a miss communication. Then from there we traveled 14 hours to Elizabeth City, NC where RBC is located. We have ventured to the Outer Banks beaches twice, we have eaten boberry biscuits from Bojangles, we have surfed, we have straightened a Goody's Department Store, we have heard 40 or so shrieks from our hyper keynote speaker Arron Chambers, we are getting stoked on the Word, and we are worshiping our God and King. This has been an incredible trip so far.... Tomorrow we will be hosting a carnival for some young children from the area. Pray for our time with them.

One of the things that has been most encouraging about this trip is the relationships that are being built. There are several students that I have been blessed to spend some time with this week. There are conversations happening that would otherwise never have happened. So, I am encouraged and I know that these friendships will last when we get home as well.

God bless. I will try to recap when we get home. Peace.

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