
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Luke 24- How Foolish You Are and How Slow of Heart

[Then Jesus] said to them, "How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken..." Luke 24:25

Are you satisfied with your spiritual progress? Because Jesus is not impressed. We are spiritually lethargic and we putz through life and Jesus says to us, "how slow of heart could you possibly be?" Jesus is parading the greatest truths of absolute reality in front of your face and we do not perceive.

I just heard of a prominent Christian leader say, "I did ministry for 12 years before Jesus took hold of my heart." That is a long time to spend talking about Jesus and yet 'being slow of heart'. How long have you been like the disciples who witnessed Jesus' demonstration of authority yet you have not been enlightened by his Spirit? It is easy to nod in agreement that Jesus is the Son of God and still be far from him. We need to pray that we would have this happen to us; "When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him(Luke 24:30-31)." Pray that God would open your eyes to him. Obviously, their physical eyes were already open. I am not accustomed to anyone eating with eyes closed or walking on a road with out looking where you are stepping?! But, it says their eyes were opened. Their spiritual eyes were opened and they perceived! That is what we should pray for for ourselves and our friends... That God would open our eyes! We do not want to be slow of heart. We want understanding. We want spiritual progress! We want our spiritual eyes to perceive His beauties and we want our spiritual hearts to be quickened to Him.

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