
Thursday, September 25, 2008

John 10- The Wolf Strikes The Sheep Scatter

The wolf strikes and the sheep scatter. Have you felt that? My only conclusion to you if you answer "no" is that your life is at its beginning and you will experience it in days and years to come. The reality is that there is a thief that comes to steal, and kill, and destroy (vs 10). There is a wolf that is opposed to you. This is the way it has always been.

In my estimation, the wolf, Satan and his legions of helpers, are at work. They hate sheep. They hate to see us in fellowship with our Shepherd and feeding in green pastures and responding to the voice of our master. So, they will do whatever they can to steal kill and destroy. This should not be news. This should be as ordinary as breathing. The bible describes Satan as "the god of this world (2 Corinth 4:4)." That he is hostile towards everything good. That he persecutes the church (Rev 2:10, 13-14). He is the prince of this world (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11). And that he desires to destroy the divine plans of grace towards mankind (1 Peter 5:8).

Friends, cling to the Shepherd! He was willing to put himself between the wolf and you! He was willing to lay down his life to spare you... He laid down his very own life to rescue you. This does not mean that the wolf no longer attacks. But it is like the wolf has been de-clawed and has no teeth. He will attack be we can have a confidence in the cross. We can rest in the good Shepherd. For he knows his sheep and we know him (vs. 14).

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