
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

John 9- Spiritually Blind and Slow

Oh how many of us are spiritually blind? Their is a blindness that is physical and I can't imagine living my life with the absence of sight? Imagine how the loss of sight or the lack of sight would effect you. It would change everything.... But to apply that blindness to your spiritual condition is scary. But, it is a real diagnosis that we must be aware of.

The Bible teaches that we are all blind... that we are born into a blindness. That we cannot perceive the spiritual realities that are before us but our physical sight masks and dismisses our inclination to even think we are blind. In fact, Paul says that the cross (spiritual reality) is foolishness to those that are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18). We perceive the concept of being blind as foolishness because my eyes and my body tell me that I can see. That I am aware.

But, even though I have a hard time coming to grips with my blindness, it is still the truth. We are blind and have to have our spiritual eyes opened.

In John 9 Jesus heals a man blind from birth. I have heard this text quoted many times in sermons and I have even wrote about it before but the thing that is new to me today is the discussion Jesus has with him at the end of the conversation.
Jesus says to the man, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?"
"Who is he, sir?" the man asked. "Tell me so that so that I may believe in him."
Jesus said, "You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you."
Then the man said, "Lord, I believe," and he worshiped him.

Blind and slow apparently? How is it that the man needed to be explicitly told who Jesus is?

Here is my conclusion... we are all like that man. A little slow to perceive. Extremely blind but even with our sight comes a dense ignorance to the Son of Man. So, let us pray diligently that the Son of Man would blatantly reveal himself to us so that we can worship him.

Jesus came for Judgement. He came to proclaim us blind and to show us our blindness. He also came to give us sight. But please please do not fall into the group that "sees yet will become blind." Those are people that claim to have sight yet the Great Revealer will draw everything into the light. Humble yourself today and acknowledge your slowness and your lack of sight and your inability to perceive spiritual things. And pray that God will grant you the ability to look the Son of God in the face, in all his glory, and worship him.

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