
Thursday, October 23, 2008


I don't walk around on cloud nine all the time singing the praises of Jesus while unaffected by life. Last night we had one of the most trying nights of jr high ministry that I have been a part of. It hit me hard... I was bitter, I was upset, I was discouraged. There are things that we need to do better and more efficiently and we will change them to help those nights go smoother. We definitely are not throwing in the towel and expecting youth group to be like that every week. But, I would be amiss if I told you that I think it will always be peachy.

Youth leaders know this. Leading a small group is hard. I know that discouragement attacks my leaders regularly as they deal with the pressures of trying to help students become like Jesus. Or more realistically if they can simply get the group to cooperate for 20 minutes!? I remember the first time I led a 3rd grade small group I would finish a weekend as a wreck. I was so disappointed with my inability to lead a bunch of kids that I would physically feel ill. This was 8 years ago. Now one of those students is a senior in our youth group and I am confident that God is going to do amazing things through her life. Nonetheless, it can be very trying and discouraging at times.

Students also feel this discouragement... life is throwing fists at you from every angle. Whether it is a sibling that you cannot agree with to save your life or your parents don't see eye to eye with you. School work is mounting and the pressures to do well are too much. Your job is expecting so much from you and you barely have time to spend with friends. Then on top of this you are supposed to be a demonstration of Christ to the world. Come on God, don't you think that is a bit much?

Not really, actually God is right there beside us in all of it. I am so thankful that we have a high priest who can sympathize (Hebrews 2:17). That our God took on our human nature and all the tough things that come with it. "He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering (Isaiah 53:3)." If you read through the gospels you can see that Jesus gets tired, gets doubted, is hated, is rejected, is always second guessed, his family and friends think he is crazy, his closes companions abandon him, one of his friends betrays him, his Father abandons and punishes him for things he did not commit. God knows what you are going through and he can sympathize. Jesus felt the pressure of discouragement. He knows what it feels like to be utterly discouraged.

I know those feelings. I can relate. And I am sure you can too... but friends, stand strong, keep your head up. God has not abandoned you or forsaken you. Clearly he loves you. He demonstrated his love in this; while you were still a sinner Christ died for you (Romans 5:8). Look on the cross and draw your strength there. So you can say with the apostle Paul "sorrowful, yet always rejoicing... (1 Corinthians 2:10)" This may seem like a stretch for you friend but please pray that even in the midst of discouragement that the cross would be enough. It is. If you are feeling overwhelmed it is because you have taken your eyes off of Jesus and you are allowing the Great Deceiver to influence you to think that Jesus is not enough for your problem. He is. He always will be.

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