
Thursday, October 30, 2008

John 15- Connected to What

"I am the vine you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." -John 15:5

There is a way to do life that is fruitful and plentiful. It is the way of being connected to Jesus. We need to remain in him, in his word, in his will, in his protection and love. That is the way to do life. Completely obedient to Jesus and his desires for us.

The thing that I am noticing is how absolutely difficult this is. Remain in me. 3 words. Simple command. Yet I know no one is good at this. We all are like the Israelites who for a season would turn back to God, and remain in him, and then as sure as day turns to night they would forsake him. This is our life. A life of turning away from God. We start to formulate our own plans and take action and forge a path for our lives. But, we turn from God to do this. It happens everywhere I look. It happens in your life. It happens in my life. It happens in church life. We turn from God's providential plan and pursue what we want.

You want to be appreciated and liked and cherished. You want to have your friends think so well of you. You want to be successful. And those desires we pursue at the expense of our relationship with God.

Original sin. We are still pursuing our agenda above God's. This is the tragedy of Satan, a once angelic identity in the courts of God forsaken because he thought "I will ascend to heaven, I will ascend my throne above the stars of God." (Isaiah 14:13) So he was cast down.

This is the struggle we still face. At the end of the day whose will are you really pursuing? Yours? Are you after your glory? Do you want others to think much of you? Do you want to be popular? Famous? Well liked? Admired? ...Or... are you pursuing the glory of God? Are you doing everything in your ability to make him look famous?

There is a result of disconnection from the vine... "he is a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. (vs. 6)" It is not a pretty outcome. God wants you to desperately cling to to him. To remain in him. Then you will bear fruit. Then you will have a life that counts for something.

Isaiah 26:8 "Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." Your fame and renown are our desire. We want to glorify you our maker. Teach us to do that more.

With whom are you connected today? Are you connected to the life breathing, all powerful, all good Vine? Or are you connected to your pride? In ranks with Satan? Deceived to believe that you are pursuing your life when actually you are withering.

Lord help us to remain in you. Let us be bound and grafted so deeply into you, The Vine. Prune off of us those parts that think, "I could do this on my own, I am important, I am my own source of life." Prune that off and leave such deep scars that we wouldn't be so quick to pursue those devilish ambitions again. God don't let us puff ourselves up. Keep us... in you.

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