
Monday, October 20, 2008

John 13- Real Authority

"Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God." -John 13:3

Lately I have been floored by God and namely Jesus. We have this tendency as casual American Christians to belittle God to the tune of, he is my Jehovah Rafa, my great provider. I sing a song and he dances. I want this... so God provides and if I am not getting what I think I want or deserve then maybe I need to pray harder and shake down, press down, and running over a good measure will be poured into my lap (Luke 6:38 butchered on purpose). We think we can just ask and it will be given. We think that the whole point of Christianity is to be a better person so God can bless us MORE.

Friends, this is not the God of the Bible nor the goal of Christianity. When I read the Bible I am constantly reminded of my nothingness and God's greatness. He is unquestionably perfect. He is powerful. He is magnificent. He is God. And I am just a little man on a planet that God spoke into existence. Hopefully, God will show you a glimpse of his glory that can only be seen from the back and live (Exodus 33:20-23). And that glimpse will shake you free from a small view of God and a big view of you.

Jesus was about to be betrayed and murdered and yet what sustained him was a knowledge of his absolute authority and power. Look at verse 4 and how it starts with "So..."

Jesus because he knew his own authority got up and washed his disciple's feet and carried on as usual and knew also that these actions would lead to his death on a cross. Do you have a big enough understanding of God to be able to say in the midst of calamity that God is in charge and he is good?

The brokenness of so many christians today is that they neither know God or want to know him... They have a small understanding of god. Please pray that you could see the Greatness of God written all over His Scriptures.

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