
Monday, February 9, 2009

Acts 7- Table Waiter or Courageous Preacher

Acts 7 shows us the depth of the man who only sees a couple chapters in the new testament, Stephen. Stephen was selected to help with the distribution of the food to widows. A waiter if you will. His job was to make sure that no favorites were played when the food was being handed out. That every widow received, with equal opportunity, food to survive. When the selection of men was taking place the prerequisites were high but Stephen meet them with ease. He was a man full of the Spirit and filled with wisdom (6:3). 

Then in chapter 7 we see the character of the humble waiter unfold. Not only was he a servant and willing to distribute food. He also had an understanding of God's story in the scriptures. He begins to unfold how God acted throughout history but people were prone to forsake Him. But, Stephen wasn't preaching in the church, he was preaching to the high priest and religious leaders!? Talk about an intimidating audience. But, Stephen was not dismayed by their human standing because he cared more about pleasing God and not so much about pleasing men. 

He saw that these men were doing the same thing their forefathers had done and turned from God disobeying the prophets that God had sent and sinning against God. So he called them out, "you stiff necked people... you always resist the Holy Spirit!" (vs 51) When Stephen continues to point out their sinfulness the men covered their ears and ordered the stoning of Stephen.

What a man! What an amazing man of God! He was humble. The type of humble that could easily go unnoticed like the 6 other men chosen in chapter 6. But God chose to highlight this one's faith. He was courageous. He was committed to God. He was bold. And most importantly he had fellowship with God: "He was full of the Holy Spirit." 

What can we take away from this story? At least a couple things this morning. First, are you humble? Stephen was willing to do whatever would bless the body of believers. He was willing to 'wait tables,' as the apostles described it. He was humble. Are you? Do you have to have recognition? Do you gravitate to things that will highlight your abilities or do you humble yourself and do what is required no matter how boring or insignificant the task may seem? Secondly, do you have fellowship with God? I would say this is the most important element of the Christian faith. A right relationship with the Almighty. All other things are secondary. Are you enjoying the fellowship of God. Do you love your time with Him? Do you look forward to meeting Him in His Word? Or do you crowd that time out with other tasks? Lastly, do you know your stuff? Do you know your bible? Could you in the heat of a moment tell the story of God's people? Could you explain God's working throughout scripture and use it to convict? Do you have a right understanding of God as He reveals Himself to us through His holy Word? Or, are you a confused Christian. Matt Chandler, a pastor in Dallas, recently said of some men in his congregation pointing out the ridiculousness of not knowing the word, "they (some men in his church)  know every player on the Dallas Cowboys. They know where they played high school ball and their stats... but when it comes to their bibles!?! ...futility calls to futility and Deep calls to Deep." Do you know your Bible? Stephen knew scriptures and he wielded them mightily by the Holy Spirit.

Let us look to Stephen as a model believer. I'm sure he had flaws but God chose to highlight some strengths and it would do us well to follow in his footsteps. 

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