
Monday, February 2, 2009

Blogging- A Blessing and A Curse

I believe that blogging can be a blessing. In my short career (one year so far) of blogging I have seen it as a blessing in that it sharpens my ability to articulate a message. 'Practise makes perfect' as they say. So, writing on a somewhat regular basis helps me better my writing. And, consequently, makes me a better communicator.

Also, it has been helpful for me to have a running commentary going through the gospels and now through Acts because it makes me examine every chapter for a teachable truth. It makes reading the bible more about getting a life changing truth than just accomplishing finishing a chapter.

In those regards blogging is a huge advantage to me.

On the other hand blogging can be bad... Unlike the process of publishing, blogging has no strict process that writings go through. With a simple click of a button thoughts are placed digitally out there for the world to see. There is no editor checking grammar. There is no publisher checking content. So, blogging can be almost a fake form of communicating. It makes me think of texting or emailing. People use those forms of communication and are given a sense of boldness because they don't have to look someone in the face to say whatever they are thinking. 

In the blogsphere this happens often. Many bloggers can boldly proclaim from their comfortable desks or lazi-boys whatever they think. In my assessment, I talk more than I should on web... I write on things that I have no practical experience. When I did more hands on ministry I would often write less but I would have an experience backing whatever I was saying. Now I am venturing into the realm of speaking on things I am not an expert on. I believe that is a dangerous position to be in. What if people are actually listening to me 'rant?' I will be held accountable for the words I so freely give.

I am just sharing my thoughts.... see what I mean!? Not every thought should be posted on the web. I really am just sharing my conviction for the day. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry (James 1:19). Slow to speak, slow to proclaim 'I am an expert,' slow to lead other people when time hasn't tested and proven a strategy. 

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