
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Acts 2- Get Over Yourself

"Some, however, made fun of them and said, 'they have had too much wine.'" (vs. 13)

The Holy Spirit descended on the believers at Pentecost and filled the disciples with power and supernatural abilities. They proclaimed the gospel in different tongues and astonished the masses that were in town. It was a distinguished event in history where believers were marked with supernatural power from on high... And it is from this foundation that the early church got their steam. In fact we could talk and talk and talk about the early church and their explosive beginnings found in Acts 2 but the thing that is gripping my heart and mind this morning is that even though this event was so profound and unique it still is ridiculed by onlookers.

Imagine for a moment what it would be like to be one of these disciples!? I mean, this would be an event in your life that would be so profound to you! More profound than your graduation, or the day you got your first car, or even your first love... A tongue of fire descended from heaven and touched your head!? Then you spoke a language that you have never studied or read or even cared to know!? I didn't even finish a semester of Spanish! Now I am speaking some crazy language... God is so stinkin' cool!

Not only did the amazing happen but also the routine. The disciples got made fun of. Not only did they speak in other languages (totally unique), they also got made fun of (totally routine). It makes me extremely aware of how much I hate being made fun of. Think through how much of your life you avoid ridicule. We will naturally do almost anything to avoid being deemed weird or over the top or ridiculous. We avoid it. We flee from it. I can think of so many times when I 'hid' my Christianity so others didn't think I was weird. But, the reality of being a Christ-follower is that you will be a little ridiculous. Others aren't going to grasp you commitment. It will look weird. In fact, real Christianity should be met with a little ridicule. I love the way Paul puts it, 'if only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men' (1 Cor 15:19). Meaning that our lives should be so focused on eternity that if there isn't one, we should look really stupid. Does that define your life though? For most of us I think the opposite is true. We actually look like our lives are all about here. And, we want God to bless this life so that we can keep up with the world because we really don't want to be the silly Christians on the block. We just want to fit in. We aren't being ridiculed for our faith because most people don't even know that we are. 

So, this morning I want to challenge you to be a little weird. Pray in public. Tell people the reason why you hope in God. Sing worship in your car so that even with your windows up you can be heard. Walk out of sticky situations that are morally questionable like movies or what not, tell others how much you love Jesus and don't be afraid to take a little ridicule for the King of the World. We too often hide our light under a bowl. Take it out. Get made fun of. The believers in Acts 2 did it. So should we. 

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