
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Acts 2- Welcome to Life

Peter preaches a message of Jesus to the crowds gathered and the Holy Spirit slays their natural inclinations. It is so bizarre that we can spend our lives in a fog of confusion. Totally engrossed with the natural world... our responsibilities, our jobs, our families, our schooling, and our plans. I am sure those Jews that were sitting under Peter's teaching did not wake up with any anticipation of what was to come that day. Life for them would have seemed pretty normal. But, God does not leave us in our sins. He takes the words of a rambunctious fisherman from Galilee and makes them the Words of Life.

The bible says that the hearers were 'cut to the heart.(vs 37)' The Holy Spirit with surgical application takes the truth of Christ and applies it to very essence of our spiritual being, our hearts. And when the Word of Jesus storms into our hearts we are found wanting. We realize that everything we have pursued in our life was petty compared to the importance of Jesus. We realize that we have spent so much energy on worthless things when we should have pursued King Jesus. It is a traumatizing experience. Like waking up on the surgeon's table with a chest spreader and your heart laid bare. Your insides are hanging out and you have a real problem that is beyond your ability to fix. Sure you could grab some tools and try to patch yourself up but it will not suffice. Many of us do that when the Holy Spirit applies his masterful scalpel to our heart. We want to try to remedy ourselves. And some pastors even will wrongly patch up a person that the Holy Spirit is operating on... but in Acts the hearers ask, "brothers, what shall we do?" Then the surgeon offers the solution.

I don't know how many of you have been in hospitals. I personally have spent a lot of time in them. My nickname was crash. I was always breaking something. Usually myself. So, on a couple occasions I had that conversation. The surgeon sits me down and tells me my options. You could have this procedure and it will hurt and it will take time but you will have a full recovery. Or you could forgo the surgery and I am not sure what will happen.

The same is true with the Holy Spirit but he knows what happens if you forgo his operation... it leads to death. He in essence says, 'you can submit to my operating table and I will make you alive and healthy and perfect or you can walk away and it will lead to your demise.' I choose life. So did the men in Acts. Here is the procedure, "Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off- for all whom the Lord our God will call. (vs. 38-39)" That is the procedure that we submit to. We are cut to the heart and there is a remedy. Complete submission to the work of God in our lives. Every one of us and the promise continues. It was true 2000 years ago and it is true today. Repent and be baptized. 

O' how many of us have wiggled our way off the table. God does not miss. You know that statement to be true. When He determines to cut you to the heart He succeeds and you have felt the Words of Jesus penetrate your soul before. But, after the incision it is so common that people run from the Healer. Today friend if you have not already done so, Repent and be baptized. 

Here is what that means; to repent is to turn from sin. Not just away from something that is bad like a legalistic restriction... it means you turn to something better. You turn to God. 

And baptism is the process of complete surrender. Jesus died a sinners death on a cross and was buried in a tomb. Then He was raised from the dead. He asks you to join Him in that death, burial, and resurrection in baptism. The death of yourself and the birth of a new creation. Romans 6 says that God will raise you up to walk in newness of life. You will be a new person. Fit for citizenship in His Kingdom. Friend... make that happen today. You are not promised forever. The Surgeon is eager to apply His healing hands. You know your sickness will lead to death and you desperately need a saviour. 

If you have made that decision today tell someone! Drop me a email or call 608.362.7663 ext 24. 

"Those who accepted this message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. (vs 41)" 

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