
Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Fail One Success

I was driving to the church today in my neon and I decided that I wanted to share with you two stories.

The first is my failed stewardship... I wrote an article earlier this year on a my apartment that I started renting. In it I highlighted my poverty like status of not having much furniture and I puffed up my chest for the blog world to see that I am a 'great steward' of God's resources... then... I bought a ton of furniture:( It is funny how that works. I mean right after I wrote that I went to a furniture store and collapsed under the pressure of the sales available to me. I even justified it by the fact that I am an ordained minister that will get a tax break because of 'housing allowance.'

So that was my fail.

But recently I have talked about how I wanted to buy an old car. Like a Toyota corolla or something to that effect. Well, a couple weeks ago my friend let me know that he was selling his dodge neon. It is a 2000 dodge neon with high miles (200,000) that he drove back and forth to Chicago for a couple years. It had a couple quirks but he was selling it for 650 bucks to a wholesale dealer that he knew. I asked quickly if it was still available and he said he could make a  phone call. 

The next day I was the proud owner of a neon. It is perfect. It runs and drives and even came with a CD player. I have bought new tie rods, tires, and engine mount but right now I have only spent 1000 dollars total to have a car that gets around 30mpg. So, I am happy. God is good and he even allows us second chances with our resources. So, hopefully I will continue to glorify him by the way I spend my money and the kind of car I drive and every little detail of my life.

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