
Monday, December 29, 2008

Youth Ministry Thoughts... the role of the parents

The role of the parents
It is important that the parents buy in to the model as much as the youth workers and the Pastor for youth (the strategy for our youth can be found at the top right of this blog). I am coming up on a year that I have been pastor for youth at Central and not involving the parents more is my biggest regret. If students are the car that we are trying to drive to Christ, parents are the keys to the ignition. You can have a map, a GPS, a cool destination, and an exciting road trip, but without the keys you can go no where.

It is important that parents understand the strategy and encourage their kids to pursue it. Even when your child would rather do something "more fun."

I think that following Jesus is the most intense and crazy and exciting and fun thing you can possibly do. I think that going to youth group to play basketball or play video games is the most boring and lame thing that I have ever heard of. My goal is to redefine what fun is for a student, and the Gospel is crazy fun.

I look back on my teen years and I had a ton of fun... I am not trying to rob anyone of that excitement. We will have overnights, and summer trips, and surfing (east coast encounter), and skateboarding, and basketball, and Guitar Hero, and rec nights. But, when we come together to hear from God I want to yell out, "He does have a message for YOU! God is not in heaven distracted by having to take care of adult issues, so entertain yourselves until you are old enough to come to big people church. He wants to say something to You. And Lord willing we will give Him that opportunity."

But, parents need to see the value in the plan otherwise it is undermined.

If you have a student in youth group think through the strategy. Ask yourself what is the most important thing your child needs? Is it just to be at church or is there more that you desire for them than just attending? Ask me questions. I would love to have some ongoing conversations with parents to help me know that I am meeting or not meeting the needs of their children. Email me at

Personally engage in the process of mentoring your children. There is no magic formula for making your kid love Jesus. Even the best youth pastor, which I am not, cannot make your child love Jesus. It takes a concerted effort from everyone, and I would say mainly their immediate family, to ensure that they know and understand the God of the bible and the price that He paid on a cross to redeem you.

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