
Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm Not The Fun Police

I was talking with people that are closest to me as they read about CSM's distinctives and I asked them about their thoughts. I asked if it sounded like I am harsh or abrasive or lame and they pointed out that I made a living off of being fun for years.

What I took from the conversation was that those that know me best will not be surprised by my strategy but they also know the background that it is laid against.

For going on 6 years I have participated in a ministry called Operation 12. The concept behind op12 is to use action sports(skateboarding, wakeboarding, and snowboarding) to reach a culture of individuals that the church has a hard time engaging. So, for the past 5 years I have had the joy and privilege of travelling from city to city, more or less, playing and then preaching. Honestly, it is the coolest job on the planet. Imagine being a rock star christian that everyone celebrates as we march into a city to conduct a stellar demonstration and outreach. Churches write huge checks to have us conduct an outreach and we are booked a year in advance...

But, the typical church camp results kept making me sick to my stomach. Sure students get excited when a team of athletes show up and rock the place and share their testimony but the week after we leave what is in place to keep students from falling away? I still believe in the evangelistic aspect of the ministry I just wanted to make sure that I personally was doing more than just 'drive by' preaching.

That is where my desire to be a part of the Church came from. I want to make a lasting change. I believe that that will happen over time with a group that I can say week in and out, "follow me."

So, when I talk about the seriousness of the faith don't think that I am some orthodox boring dry person that wishes that I was at a church with pews. I lived in a tent man. I surf and skate and show up late to meetings and stay up late and sleep in and play video games with friends. I wish I was a pro skateboarder and I like to be silly. But, when it comes to youth group there is a seriousness that drives me... Eternity is at stake. There cannot be a more serious calling. I am not saying that to be a christian you have to be lame, I just think that we should take God a little more serious. Can I get an amen?

Youth Ministry Thoughts... the role of the parents

The role of the parents
It is important that the parents buy in to the model as much as the youth workers and the Pastor for youth (the strategy for our youth can be found at the top right of this blog). I am coming up on a year that I have been pastor for youth at Central and not involving the parents more is my biggest regret. If students are the car that we are trying to drive to Christ, parents are the keys to the ignition. You can have a map, a GPS, a cool destination, and an exciting road trip, but without the keys you can go no where.

It is important that parents understand the strategy and encourage their kids to pursue it. Even when your child would rather do something "more fun."

I think that following Jesus is the most intense and crazy and exciting and fun thing you can possibly do. I think that going to youth group to play basketball or play video games is the most boring and lame thing that I have ever heard of. My goal is to redefine what fun is for a student, and the Gospel is crazy fun.

I look back on my teen years and I had a ton of fun... I am not trying to rob anyone of that excitement. We will have overnights, and summer trips, and surfing (east coast encounter), and skateboarding, and basketball, and Guitar Hero, and rec nights. But, when we come together to hear from God I want to yell out, "He does have a message for YOU! God is not in heaven distracted by having to take care of adult issues, so entertain yourselves until you are old enough to come to big people church. He wants to say something to You. And Lord willing we will give Him that opportunity."

But, parents need to see the value in the plan otherwise it is undermined.

If you have a student in youth group think through the strategy. Ask yourself what is the most important thing your child needs? Is it just to be at church or is there more that you desire for them than just attending? Ask me questions. I would love to have some ongoing conversations with parents to help me know that I am meeting or not meeting the needs of their children. Email me at

Personally engage in the process of mentoring your children. There is no magic formula for making your kid love Jesus. Even the best youth pastor, which I am not, cannot make your child love Jesus. It takes a concerted effort from everyone, and I would say mainly their immediate family, to ensure that they know and understand the God of the bible and the price that He paid on a cross to redeem you.

Youth Ministry Thoughts pt 5

2.We also do not prescribe to the entertainment model. 
As you may have noticed, youth groups have done everything in their power over the past couple decades to make things exciting for their youth which is a huge detriment to their faith. I love the words of Matt Chandler who pastors in Dallas Texas where he points out the churches around him, 'build bigger and bigger youth programs trying to one up the other churches. So now you have double-decker basketball courts and mission trips to outer space.' That is the mentality of most youth workers... 'How can we get the coolest program and attract the most students?' Obviously, with the right resources you could attract all the students in the area to the youth group(make it like Disney World) but at the end of the day how many of them are actually Christians?

Here is a good reason not to be a day care that focuses on fun... you create Consumer 'christians'. I use the word christian lightly because I am not sure if people coming through those types of programs actually believe in Jesus. But, if we are constantly trying to shape and mold services to be fun experiences for students then we have set a pattern that is not sustainable and actually leads to bigger problems down the road. 

Students that have spent their whole adolescence having everything tailored to their wants have a hard time at graduation. It is the fall after they had their graduation ceremony from youth group and now they are trying to locate a church to call home... but there is a huge disconnect because it dawns on them that 'big church' doesn't take them on trips or doesn't allow them to have sleep overs or halo parties or whatever they were used to at yg. So, they go church shopping. And, typically land at a young adults service that is focused on appealing to their musical likes and their desire to be relevant. There they sit in yet another church environment that is crafted to fit their wants but they soon graduate from that age group and then have to either find a church that will bend to their wants or they simply leave church all together. Follow the pattern back to its source and you will always find some youth program that has burned this mentality into them. And, that youth worker will be responsible before King Jesus for pushing that on them. I am not interested in having that conversation with Jesus no matter how many youth resources out there can justify that style of ministry.

That is why we focus on their actual spiritual needs and not their perceived needs. We give them the Word and we want to have fun but not at the expense of their eternities. 

The teen years are hugely formative for everyone. I believe strongly that what the church needs is more youth workers that actually read their bibles and survey the landscape of how horribly we are leading students. It should break the heart of senior pastors and youth workers all over the globe that we have done a sub par job of raising up the next generation of worshippers. 

Trying to attract students into our buildings by entertaining them, in my opinion, is a huge waste of time and money and has proved to be a broken system that we should abandon. A theologian of our time says it this way, "if I try to copy the world I look like an idiot... They can do it way better than I can." Instead of copying the world let us dive into the Word of God and beg Him to show Himself to be more exciting than Gears of War 2 or pop culture or shopping or whatever you are into. We should focus more on Him in our ministry and I am sure the other details will fall in place.

Youth Ministry Thoughts pt 4

What we are not about:
It is easy to express what we value but I think it is also good to lay out what we try to avoid.
1. We are not daycare
In modern church culture it is common that 'big church' is for adults and youth group or children's church is where the kids go while grown ups do their mature thing.

Youth group is not the drop off point for kids that don't belong in adult church. In fact, we encourage our students to attend a weekend service and prefer that they would choose that over youth group.

Also, when we have youth group we are not dumbing down the truths of scripture... Students are young adults. They can handle a lot more than we give them credit for.

Youth Ministry Thoughts pt 3

3. Worship
We have a time of worship at every service that serves as our vent of adoration.... But, we want to teach the holistic approach of worship that Paul prescribes in Romans 12:1 "offer yourselves as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of worship." Worship is taking all that you are and laying it on the alter. We want students to know that worship happens at school, work, home, and while chilling with friends.

"Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)"

Youth Ministry Thoughts pt 2

2. Expository Preaching
Expository and preaching are two words that most students either don't know or don't like, but we are doing everything we can to rescue them from that mistake. In an age where people are gathering teachers that will tickle their ears(2 Tim 4:3), it is crucially important that we give them the truth and we do so unabashedly and passionately. "God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. (1 Corinth 1:21)" Preaching the gospel saves and sanctifies. It is the mode that God has ordained therefore we stand behind it wholeheartedly. So, we are dedicated to teaching the scriptures with diligence.

For clarification expository preaching means that we take the ancient text and draw out meaning for our modern context (students in our present day). We do not use the scriptures as a jumping off point for talking about what we thing would be good (opinions), but instead we let the scriptures say what they want and we obey.

Youth Ministry Thought pt 1

Personal Strategy for ministry: I am a youth pastor so I have the difficult job of engaging our youth to believe that Jesus is supreme and He is worthy of our complete commitment. It is tough and gruelling as most jr high and high school students view youth group as a social gathering more than training ground for living a radically Gospel focused life. 

Here are some distinctives that we are passionate about at CSM:
1. The Word
I would not understand what faith or ministry is without the bedrock of Christianity....the Word. The Word is the driving force of everything we do. We obey it, we worship through it, we strive to understand and live it, and we organize every aspect of our ministry around the Word.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Whatcha Readin'?

During the holidays we have decided to take a break from youth group to give our volunteers a much needed and deserved break... With a couple sermons already written I am taking this time to read some great books. Here they are:

The Christian Ministry by Charles Bridges
This book was written as a response to the question, 'what makes ministers ineffective?' It is very convicting and concise. I am being challenged in a good way and have only made it through the first of five parts so far.

Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching
This is a collection of essays on preaching the Word... What a great encourager for pastors to stay faithful to their primary role of preaching. I will have more to say on this book later.

The Mortification of Sin by John Owen
I never knew much about this important discipline of our faith... putting to death the deeds of the flesh. I recently preached on 'Killing Ninjas' and it was my first time that I ever really put much thought into the need to either destroy your sin or be destroyed by it. I think the American Church is in need of more Christians that are willing to talk about seriously putting to death their sins.

The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul
This book is packed with a wealth of God glorifying information. I heard several sermons that R.C. Sproul delivered on Holiness and it peeked my interest. The book is phenomenal. We need more people painting a gloriously holy and accurate picture of God.

These books have been nourishing my soul. I am indebted to the authors for their diligence of making plain the mysteries of God. I recommend all of these books to you.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Fighting Sensory Adaptation

Your body was created to experience stimuli... Touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste. And every experience will illicit stimulation... But there is an enemy to stimulation and its title is sensory adaptation.

I love pizza. I get a slice from Art of Pizza in Chicago every time I have the chance. But, if for some reason I have it for lunch and then dinner and then an offer is made to have it again, the thought of the pizza diminishes with the amount of times I have it. That is a small example of the effect of sensory adaptation. You become familiar and the stimulus decreases.

Why am I bringing this up? It is Christmas Eve and most of us have experienced many Christmases. It can become routine just like many things in life can... and we have to fight to not grow tired of looking on Christ.

Thank God that Christ is so magnificent that you could exhaust your life exploring His riches and you will never find an end. But, on this Christmas I worry that you look at the same angle of Him and you hear the same words spoken and it is almost boring (if that were even possible). Work tomorrow to see a little more of Jesus than usual. Have your quiet time. I am praying that you not neglect it with all your busy commitments. But, pray that God would show you his face. That is what Moses prayed and he got to see the hind quarters of God.... Or pray that you would ascend mount Sinai and bask in the radiance of God. I hope that Jesus is not routine but that your affections and excitement would overflow! Praise Jesus for his unsearchable riches. We will spend eternity reveling in His majesty and it will never grow old!

Acts 2- Welcome to Life

Peter preaches a message of Jesus to the crowds gathered and the Holy Spirit slays their natural inclinations. It is so bizarre that we can spend our lives in a fog of confusion. Totally engrossed with the natural world... our responsibilities, our jobs, our families, our schooling, and our plans. I am sure those Jews that were sitting under Peter's teaching did not wake up with any anticipation of what was to come that day. Life for them would have seemed pretty normal. But, God does not leave us in our sins. He takes the words of a rambunctious fisherman from Galilee and makes them the Words of Life.

The bible says that the hearers were 'cut to the heart.(vs 37)' The Holy Spirit with surgical application takes the truth of Christ and applies it to very essence of our spiritual being, our hearts. And when the Word of Jesus storms into our hearts we are found wanting. We realize that everything we have pursued in our life was petty compared to the importance of Jesus. We realize that we have spent so much energy on worthless things when we should have pursued King Jesus. It is a traumatizing experience. Like waking up on the surgeon's table with a chest spreader and your heart laid bare. Your insides are hanging out and you have a real problem that is beyond your ability to fix. Sure you could grab some tools and try to patch yourself up but it will not suffice. Many of us do that when the Holy Spirit applies his masterful scalpel to our heart. We want to try to remedy ourselves. And some pastors even will wrongly patch up a person that the Holy Spirit is operating on... but in Acts the hearers ask, "brothers, what shall we do?" Then the surgeon offers the solution.

I don't know how many of you have been in hospitals. I personally have spent a lot of time in them. My nickname was crash. I was always breaking something. Usually myself. So, on a couple occasions I had that conversation. The surgeon sits me down and tells me my options. You could have this procedure and it will hurt and it will take time but you will have a full recovery. Or you could forgo the surgery and I am not sure what will happen.

The same is true with the Holy Spirit but he knows what happens if you forgo his operation... it leads to death. He in essence says, 'you can submit to my operating table and I will make you alive and healthy and perfect or you can walk away and it will lead to your demise.' I choose life. So did the men in Acts. Here is the procedure, "Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off- for all whom the Lord our God will call. (vs. 38-39)" That is the procedure that we submit to. We are cut to the heart and there is a remedy. Complete submission to the work of God in our lives. Every one of us and the promise continues. It was true 2000 years ago and it is true today. Repent and be baptized. 

O' how many of us have wiggled our way off the table. God does not miss. You know that statement to be true. When He determines to cut you to the heart He succeeds and you have felt the Words of Jesus penetrate your soul before. But, after the incision it is so common that people run from the Healer. Today friend if you have not already done so, Repent and be baptized. 

Here is what that means; to repent is to turn from sin. Not just away from something that is bad like a legalistic restriction... it means you turn to something better. You turn to God. 

And baptism is the process of complete surrender. Jesus died a sinners death on a cross and was buried in a tomb. Then He was raised from the dead. He asks you to join Him in that death, burial, and resurrection in baptism. The death of yourself and the birth of a new creation. Romans 6 says that God will raise you up to walk in newness of life. You will be a new person. Fit for citizenship in His Kingdom. Friend... make that happen today. You are not promised forever. The Surgeon is eager to apply His healing hands. You know your sickness will lead to death and you desperately need a saviour. 

If you have made that decision today tell someone! Drop me a email or call 608.362.7663 ext 24. 

"Those who accepted this message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. (vs 41)" 

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Walk With God

How do you keep from getting jaded? I'll be honest being elevated to the status of Pastor is one of the most unique and special things that I have been called to. In the words of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones; 
[it] is the highest and the greatest and most glorious calling to which anyone can ever be called.... [it] is the most urgent need in the Christian Church today; and as it is the greatest and the most urgent need in the Church, it is obviously the greatest need of the world also.- Preaching and Preachers pg. 9
The Christians Ministry is a heavy calling. And, as I realize more and more the weight of my calling(the most important job in the world according to Lloyd-Jones) I am forced to employ every resource available to me to achieve the end to which I am called. I do not want to be a lazy worker. I do not want to peddle the word of God for a profit, either monetary or popularity. My aim to which I strive every day is a commission that Paul gave his apprentice Timmy, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)" In the King James it says to study... Do your best; study. So that is what I do. I dive into books and commentaries and the bible in hopes that I will know and understand the bible which is a mystery because I am seeing that there are so many paradoxes and so many people shipwreck their faith and their congregation because of a misunderstanding or a misappropriation of the word of truth. So, I study and study and study. It also says, rightly handles or divides the Word of Truth. So there is a right way to handle the word. There is a way in the words of John MacArthur, 'to cut a straight line through the bible.' So to that end, I am trying to handle the word of truth to be presented before the King a worker that needs not be ashamed. Not a run of the mill 9 to 5 I got myself into. And, many would say, 'you are taking this too seriously.' Which I believe is the reason why so many churches are dead. They fail to take seriously the most serious Deity there is.

All of the above was an attempt to help you see this point that I think applies to each of us; In my opinion it is rather easy to become jaded when you put that sort of effort into your faith. Sure I could become jaded because I am a pastor but the danger falls on you as well. The danger is that it is easy to become a pharisee. To have a knowledge of God but no relationship. That is a scary thing. We each can read the bible and not experience God. It can be a duty. We can read Christian authors and never encounter God. So, what is the remedy? I believe the remedy is found in the life of Enoch in chapter 5 of Genesis. He walked with God. He was a man that lived and walked and loved and worked with God by his side. He had a relationship with the Almighty that resulted in God 'taking him away.' Literally the bible says that Enoch, 'was no more because God took him away.' I want a relationship with God like that. One that results in the blessing of seeing God. Going to be with God. Getting to look on His glory. So, I have to ask myself, and you my friend, are you walking with God? When is the last time that you spent with Him? Not praying, not having a quiet time, not reading about Him in the bible. But actually with Him. But Cory! How do I walk with Him if not in my 15 minute quiet time? 

Have a date. Block off a day with God. Spend some time with Him. During this time you can read, pray, meditate, but more than anything realize that the end to which you are striving is Him. Try to engage the Almighty. There is a reason why He calls the church His bride. Intimacy. Are you known by and knowing God? Are you intimate? Let's try to achieve this today. A walk with God. 

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Don't Miss Christmas

I am not talking about the deals or the actual date... I am talking about missing the point. When I was living in Florida my first year down there I missed my birthday. It was sad. All my friends worked at the same place and they had a mandatory staff meeting on my birthday. I spent my whole birthday night waiting for my friends and I missed it.

In the Christmas story found in Matthew 2 the chief priests and the teachers of the law missed the arrival of Jesus. As I was reading that chapter this week I noticed that they quoted scripture and pointed out where the messiah would be but they didn't go see him. And as I observe Christmas for my 26th time, we do the same thing. We can spout out the Christmas story without missing a beat. We can quote some of the verses from Luke 2 or Matthew 2 (probably not word for word). But, we are like the chief priests and the teachers of the law that are unaffected by the birth of Jesus.

Then the story lends us some characters that we should emulate. The magi. They make the trek to the little village to see Jesus and God leads their way by lighting up the sky with a star that guides them. So, they find the place where the King of the world lies swaddled and they fall down on their faces and worship. They give Him gifts.... read again... they give Him gifts. Christmas is not about what you are going to get. Again I am 26 and for 25 going to be 26 Christmases I have been primarily consumed with this thought, 'what am I getting for presents?' That is sad that one of the most important days in history has some how been manipulated into an occasion to celebrate me. When really we should be recognizing that the gift that cannot be outdone was given 2000 years ago and we should be giving our gifts and thanks and praise to Him. So the magi do three things that we should do this year. 1)They make the trek to be near to God. 2) They worship. and 3) They give. Are you doing those? 

Do whatever it takes to be near to God. Make the journey to church or to a quiet retreat where you can be with Him. Make it happen. Be with Him on His birthday. 

Worship Him. When everyone else is worshiping food or presents or family take a moment or two on his birthday to celebrate him. Just get alone and say to him, 'if all these things went away (toys, gifts, decorations, family, health, etc) I would still worship you. You are my treasure. You are the Gift.'

Give. Maybe financially you should give a gift to church or to an organization that glorifies God. But maybe your best gift you could give Jesus is you. Completely surrender to him. Give him your time. Give him your attention. Give him your devotion.

I sat there lonely wishing my friends were with me on my birthday. But, imagine how Jesus feels every Christmas as he looks down on you and me. We are too busy with all of our commitments and all of our shopping and all of our cooking. But wait... it is his day. Shouldn't he set the priorities? I am sure he would want us to take a breath and spend time with him on His birthday. Lets not miss it this year. 

Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Fail One Success

I was driving to the church today in my neon and I decided that I wanted to share with you two stories.

The first is my failed stewardship... I wrote an article earlier this year on a my apartment that I started renting. In it I highlighted my poverty like status of not having much furniture and I puffed up my chest for the blog world to see that I am a 'great steward' of God's resources... then... I bought a ton of furniture:( It is funny how that works. I mean right after I wrote that I went to a furniture store and collapsed under the pressure of the sales available to me. I even justified it by the fact that I am an ordained minister that will get a tax break because of 'housing allowance.'

So that was my fail.

But recently I have talked about how I wanted to buy an old car. Like a Toyota corolla or something to that effect. Well, a couple weeks ago my friend let me know that he was selling his dodge neon. It is a 2000 dodge neon with high miles (200,000) that he drove back and forth to Chicago for a couple years. It had a couple quirks but he was selling it for 650 bucks to a wholesale dealer that he knew. I asked quickly if it was still available and he said he could make a  phone call. 

The next day I was the proud owner of a neon. It is perfect. It runs and drives and even came with a CD player. I have bought new tie rods, tires, and engine mount but right now I have only spent 1000 dollars total to have a car that gets around 30mpg. So, I am happy. God is good and he even allows us second chances with our resources. So, hopefully I will continue to glorify him by the way I spend my money and the kind of car I drive and every little detail of my life.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Acts 2- Get Over Yourself

"Some, however, made fun of them and said, 'they have had too much wine.'" (vs. 13)

The Holy Spirit descended on the believers at Pentecost and filled the disciples with power and supernatural abilities. They proclaimed the gospel in different tongues and astonished the masses that were in town. It was a distinguished event in history where believers were marked with supernatural power from on high... And it is from this foundation that the early church got their steam. In fact we could talk and talk and talk about the early church and their explosive beginnings found in Acts 2 but the thing that is gripping my heart and mind this morning is that even though this event was so profound and unique it still is ridiculed by onlookers.

Imagine for a moment what it would be like to be one of these disciples!? I mean, this would be an event in your life that would be so profound to you! More profound than your graduation, or the day you got your first car, or even your first love... A tongue of fire descended from heaven and touched your head!? Then you spoke a language that you have never studied or read or even cared to know!? I didn't even finish a semester of Spanish! Now I am speaking some crazy language... God is so stinkin' cool!

Not only did the amazing happen but also the routine. The disciples got made fun of. Not only did they speak in other languages (totally unique), they also got made fun of (totally routine). It makes me extremely aware of how much I hate being made fun of. Think through how much of your life you avoid ridicule. We will naturally do almost anything to avoid being deemed weird or over the top or ridiculous. We avoid it. We flee from it. I can think of so many times when I 'hid' my Christianity so others didn't think I was weird. But, the reality of being a Christ-follower is that you will be a little ridiculous. Others aren't going to grasp you commitment. It will look weird. In fact, real Christianity should be met with a little ridicule. I love the way Paul puts it, 'if only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men' (1 Cor 15:19). Meaning that our lives should be so focused on eternity that if there isn't one, we should look really stupid. Does that define your life though? For most of us I think the opposite is true. We actually look like our lives are all about here. And, we want God to bless this life so that we can keep up with the world because we really don't want to be the silly Christians on the block. We just want to fit in. We aren't being ridiculed for our faith because most people don't even know that we are. 

So, this morning I want to challenge you to be a little weird. Pray in public. Tell people the reason why you hope in God. Sing worship in your car so that even with your windows up you can be heard. Walk out of sticky situations that are morally questionable like movies or what not, tell others how much you love Jesus and don't be afraid to take a little ridicule for the King of the World. We too often hide our light under a bowl. Take it out. Get made fun of. The believers in Acts 2 did it. So should we. 

Friday, December 12, 2008

Acts 1- Holy Spirit Power

" a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit... you will receive power when the holy Spirit comes on you." -Acts 1:5,8

This is huge to me. I want to do more than simply have a knowledge of God. I think that knowing God is biblically mandated and a good idea. In fact, Paul often prays for churches that they would 'grow in the knowledge of God(Colossians 1:10).' So having a right understanding of what God is a great thing but it cannot be devoid of experience. Think about the pharisees and their intense knowledge of the Law... But, they did not have the experience of intimacy with God. They knew about him, but they did not intimately know him. 

I want to see evidence of Power. I want to see a baptism of the Holy Spirit and a result of Power. We can talk about God a ton and even describe him pretty accurately but what I want and what I think we need in our youth group is his presence falling on our group. We need to be completely immersed in his spirit. That is what baptism means... a covering over of water. But in this case it is a covering over of the Holy Spirit. I am not sure if you have felt this before? Can you look in the mirror and tell yourself that you have seen enough of God's Spirit? Are you content with the amount that the Holy Spirit has achieved in your life? One reason we do not see enough is because we are stiff-arming God with the attitude that, 'I can achieve this on my own. I have this covered God, thank you very much.' Let's fall back on the Holy Spirit and say, "I want to see you move so mightily that I could never get the credit. Do something so miraculous that the only way it could have happened is by your Spirit." 

"Our Gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. (1 Thess 1:5)" I don't want to simply play youth group. I want to see the Spirit move in and among us in a way that is not explainable without saying, "God did it!"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Acts 1- Welcome to Acts

In my former book Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do a to teach until the day he was taken up into heaven- Acts 1:1-2

Our faith is founded on the fact that we are following a God-man named Jesus. So, you can imagine what sort of impact it had on his immediate followers when He died, rose again, hung out, then peaced-out... Their heads were spinning. And I'm sure the thoughts, 'what do we do now?' raced through their brains over and over again. 

Well, the show must go on. Jesus knew from the outset what would happen and he chose humble men like you and I to propel his kingdom message to the ends of the earth. The book of Acts is the documented happenings of the early church... It is exciting start to finish. And, in a way it continues to answer that question that the early followers posed, 'what do we do now?' In Acts I believe Luke, inspired by the holy Spirit, draws a blueprint for the lives of followers. When I studied Acts with my family we kept saying over and over again, "I'm not like that, I wish I was like that." Acts sets the bar pretty high for followers. Really high. So, buckle in because I am sure this book will shake you to your core and challenge your commitment and inspire you to live more radically for the Kingdom.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Insufficient yet Necessary?

I was having a conversation with a friend a couple of winters ago... I had learned so much and was eager to share. I pretty much regurgitated so much of what God had been teaching me at the time about the nature of God and the absolute absurdity of casual Christianity. Looking back I probably could have said things in a much gentler way but I was fired up and passionate about supposed Christ followers taking the fame and glory and renown of Jesus more seriously. The last thing we need is for churches to crank out wishy-washy followers that can't last a week of actual following in the footsteps of Jesus. I was tired of nominal faith that can be lived from a sofa. I want something real. I still do. 

But after seeing that my friend was crying and obviously heartbroken by the scriptures I was sharing... I said, "whoops... maybe I should have just given you a sermon or a book, I didn't mean to be the bearer of bad news." But, her response was telling and revealing and it still haunts me; "No, I don't need a sermon... sometimes you need to be told by someone you know and trust." 

A light went on... for some reason God ordained that his ministry be dispersed by frail people. For some reason, unknown to me, God has orchestrated that his word is taught and proclaimed by people.There is something mysterious that happens when someone in proximity to you proclaims the word. God has designed that someone close enough to you teach the word. There has to be some sort of connection. I suppose it is proximity or at least rapport. Most highschool students in the Beloit area are not going to download Louie Gigglio or Francis Chan or John Piper unless they have heard about them... More realistically they might wander into a church service for students and hopefully hear the Word. So, as I turn that statement over and over in my head I am reminded that God chose me. He appointed me. For some reason he chose to make me necessary.

Here is the other side of the coin... insufficient. The words of the apostle Paul haunt me as well, "who is sufficient for these things?" If he felt that way then what hope do I have? I am not half the man that Paul was. I only dream of becoming like him. Here is the beauty of feeling the inadequacy of being a minister of Christ: Humility. There is nothing more humbling than proclaiming the word of God, spiritually leading others, discipling converts, and all the other tasks of the ministry. I may have done well as an athlete or as a businessman or in many other fields but as a minster I am dually unfit. First, I am a mere man with 'a thorn in my flesh.' 'I am a man of unclean lips and I come from a people of unclean lips.' I have flaws. As great as I ever thought I was, the ministry has brought me low. Secondly, I am given an impossible task. I am called to exclaim the glory of Christ to people that think the cross is foolishness(1 Cor 1:18). I am called to speak to a group that is def and blind(Isaiah 6:10, 2 Cor 4:4, 1 John 2:11). 

So, I am insufficient yet necessary. How does that add up? It adds up by God showing me the depths of his grace. I am made sufficient by the righteousness of Christ. I am clothed in glory and honor because of the magnificence of God and not Cory Williams. I am frail and humbled and insufficient but he chose to use me to show his greatness and worth and mercy and power. He is awesome! I am puny! I am a mess and God takes my little mess and is writing a beautiful story. I haven't earned what I have... I was chosen then equipped and not by my strength so I could boast in my greatness. But I was supplied a strength from Him. God is so good. I cannot even begin to tell you how good he is to me!? 

Friday, December 5, 2008

John 21- Precious Jesus

"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. (vs 25)"

I can see John penning these words with adoration... Thinking through the fact that he made a detailed account, inspired by God, that would bring people into 'the light of the knowledge of the glory of God shining in the face of Christ'(2 Corinthians 4:6). The effect that Jesus had on John's life can hardly be expressed with words. I think he sealed the letter with a smile on his face as he recalled how magnificent the life of his best friend and biggest hero was.

Do you adore Jesus? When the bible awakens us to the fact that we are followers of Christ does it excite you to know that you are becoming like Christ? I have wasted so much of my life following after men hardly worthy of my emulation. I have examined the lives of professional athletes and determined to make myself like them. I have read and studied their every move. But, Do I do that with Jesus? Do I probe? And try to figure out what he was like? If he would have acted this way in a certain situation? I am not trying to copy the trite WWJD... I am saying I really want to know Jesus more. And it is exciting that I am trying to become more like him. And I do want to emulate his every move... 

I've been told before that I skateboard like Tom Penny (my favorite pro skater), I've been told that I wakeboard like Keith Lyman (my favorite pro wakeboarder), but what I really want is to be told I live like Jesus Christ (my favorite person). Are you trying to be like Jesus? I am.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hit Him With Your Sword

I was just hanging with Alex and we were talking about the importance of memorizing scripture... My dad is big on this and I am beginning to see why. Alex and myself were talking about victories that we both have experienced by quoting scripture in the face of temptation... It is a brilliant strategy... I learned it from Jesus (Matthew 4). But, I want to share with you a quote in its entirety that should encourage you to memorize scripture...
"The Devil is real and he hates you with a vengeance. He prowls around like a roaring lion eating Christians. You know what he feeds off of? FAITH. The Devil has one appetite; Faith. He eats faith so that you can't have it. He claws at your faith. That's the only thing he cares to destroy. He cares not one lick about whether you're healthy or not. In fact if he can get your faith by making you healthy, he will make you healthy. If he can get your faith by making you sick, he will make you sick. 

How do you fight the Devil? There is one offensive weapon and it is the Word of God and when you jew him with it he flees. You should have short ones and long ones. Long swords and short daggers. Those are short verses and long verses. Whole chapters and little tiny phrases. This should all be stored up. So I add to meditate, Memorize! O' memorize the bible! I have never met a weak Christian that memorizes the scriptures." - John Piper at When I Don't Desire God conference

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Ray Ortlund Jr wrote a blog about Sanctification... that is the process that Jesus is doing in you to make you holy. So read up and enjoy this little nugget...

Fuel Cancelled

Fuel is cancelled tonight because of the winter weather. Sorry :(

John 20- The Word of God

What is your feeling towards the bible? Does it excite you? Or is it just a book? Do you ever get alone with your bible and just spend time with God? Are you eager to hear 'the word of the Lord?'

John makes sure to point out that, "Jesus did many miraculous signs, which were not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name"(vs. 30,31). There is a lot to be said about Jesus in fact, 'the world would not have room for the books that would be written' if everything was written down that he did. But there is one book that is pivotal. It is the Word of God. It is the Bible.

I want you to understand how important this is. The bible is the means by which we are saved. When you believe in the Son of God (vs 31) it is believing in a proclamation of the Word of the Son of God. God reveals himself in nature (Romans 1:20) but until someone declares the Word people will still say like the Ethiopian eunuch, 'how can I [understand] unless someone explains it to me?(Acts 8:31)' Or take for example the text in Romans, " comes by hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. (Romans 10:17)" So, the way we even become believers is by hearing the Word of God. Hearing the bible proclaimed to us. Hearing the message through the word of Christ. The bible is important. It is a shame that Satan has so deceived us to think that the bible is outmoded. We simply think that it is basic to our faith then we have liberty to go wherever we want from there... let our experiences shape our reality. But, the scripture is reality. 

The question that I want to pose to you is, what is your regard for the bible? If it is low and a basic and small and insignificant then I worry for you. But if the bible is high and lofty and exulted and life then I join you in rejoicing that God has given us a book that documents his words. A book that by reading 'we may believe that Jesus is the Son of God' and enter into life.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Abandoned to God- Book Review

Reading biographies is good for the soul... It is easy to survey the current condition of modern christian life and think 'I'm alright.' Like God will judge on a curve and you are on the front half of the class so 'no worries.' But, when you look at the saints that have gone before us it leaves a mark on you. When I read about Oswald Chambers, who is most famous for his devotional book called My Utmost for His Highest, I realized I am a ways away from being at a level this man lived at. He is phenomenal in his pursuit of Jesus. And I have been highly encouraged lately by his ability to just love Jesus. It is an excellent read.

"One of the blessed things about this life is that man carries his kingdom on the inside and that makes the outside lovely." -Oswald Chambers